Releases: ThisIsJustAnotherOrganization/JAFRDB
Finally production ready
alpha-0.8-RC3 stuff
Fixed Stuff, changed stuff, made stuff, removed stuff stuffed stuff
Font is now configurable. Closes #13 Default config should be generated now (#14) updated error message to reflect, which file is missing fixes #15
Case syncing, it's here!
Cases now sync on startup. this will only give you an overview. this will NOT include status update, and may prevent status updates from there, if the Commander-name does not excatly match their IRC nick
Woah, what happened there?!!
--patch 2 released--
Fixed #8, #6 and spaces in cmdr names (now uses IRC name parameter if provided)
added some debugging stuff
Config changes as follows:
logpath is now logpathfr (will transfer automatically)
there is also now a logpathrc entry, this must be set to the #ratchat-log, similar to the logpathfr one
it beeps now ( set the config beep value to true)
-caseless calls
-fixed bugs
-introduced new ones
mIrc support should finally be in. Setup process is simirlar to hexchat, just set the clientType variable in the config file to mirc instead of hexchat.
Fixed Stuff, still works.
You need now to also set you clientType in the config file. Currently still only supports Hexchat
First release!
First release of this shiny new product
Currently supports only hexchat and if you are on windows you have to use a 32bit JVM
Setup procedure is: copy the path to your #fuelrats.log file (including the file name) into the config file behind "logpath: " (make sure to leave a space after "logpath:" to quickly find your log file click in hexchat: Preferences -> settings -> logging -> open data folder than navigate to the log folder and then into the fuelrats folder. This should contain a file called #fuelrats.log . If this file does not exist, right click the fuelrats channel in hexchat, move to advanced settings and click on "log to disk". After that start up the program (might be needed to start it from a command shell)