ThisOpKarol`s Core and API
- Simple and quick to use,
- Removes additional code and need for other libraries that are included in plugin such as:
- PlaceHolderAPI (with creating own placeholders)
- BStats (with registering own stats)
- Vault (with economy methods)
- Easy command manager and event registration,
- CenterText and OpComponent with String component built-in,
- MySql and Flat database implementation,
- Configuration files with custom methods,
- HeadDatabase,
- From and to String Inventory and Item builder,
- Language manager, with languages for each player,
- Own Map and mapping system for easier use of java maps,
- Useful classes:
- BiOptional, which holds two optional objects,
- OpActionBar,
- OpBossBar,
- OpLocation,
- OpParticle,
- OpRunnable,
- OpSound,
- OpTitle,
- OpText
- Abstract JavaPlugin implementation which provided added features and Configuration file to plugin,
- String based storage system with builder built-in supporting multiple java variables (double, int, String, boolean, (custom)) with supportive reflection,
- Useful util classes
- Custom Configuration system with easy-to-add own configuration objects,
- Head database and retrieving from players
You can learn everything that this core have in the wiki.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.ThisKarolGajda:OpC:master-SNAPSHOT'
You can see other options, versions and build logs of OpC under this link.