Plotting the Optimal Distance for Data Scientists in Python using the K-Nearest Neighbour K-NN Algorithm
This example uses the K-Nearest Neighbour K-NN to connect several points and plotting those as a graph on a Plotly map. This is a quick and simple example that data scientists can use to illustrate a graph for their professional or academic papers.
A brief file structure overview of the repository is provided. The is in the root directory. The data folder houses a list of target geocoordinates in a csv file. The out map is generated in the output folder.
- / data /
- / output /
The geocoordinates.csv includes the following target geocoordinates.
48.13485 11.5173913
48.1348182 11.577103
48.1492002 11.5592469
48.11005 11.59344
48.158903 11.5856
Before jumping into the code the following requirements and packages are needed to run the code:
Python 3.10.6
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install scipy
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install plotly
pip3 install kaleido
First the packages that were just installed are imported into our file
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
Next a function generate_knn_grid is created which returns the K-NN grid. This function takes the dataset of geocoordinates in the data folder as a parameter.
def generate_knn_grid(df):
Inside the function the parameters for the KNN algorithm are defined. N is the number of nearest neighbours or nearest nodes we want to connect. As a standard practice K is set to the square root of the number of nearest neighbours. X stacks the geocoordinate data point into a 2D Array.
# Parameters for the k-nearest neighbor algorithm
N = len(list(df.LATITUDE))
k = round(sqrt(N))
X = np.column_stack((lat, lon))
Next the Euclidean distances between the geocoordinates or nodes can be generated. pdist returns a matrix of distance between each pairs of nodes.
# matrix of pairwise Euclidean distances will determine which dector node
is connected to another dector node
distmat = squareform(pdist(X, 'euclidean'))
For each node the nearest neighbours are determined using the Euclidean distance matrix.
# select the kNN for each datapoint
neighbors = np.sort(np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)[:, 0:k])
Using the this information the geocoordinates belong to connectors or edges between the nodes can be calculated.
# get edge coordinates for the lines connecting the nodes
coordinates = np.zeros((N, k, 2, 2))
for i in np.arange(len(list(df.LATITUDE))):
for j in np.arange(k):
coordinates[i, j, :, 0] = np.array([X[i,:][1], X[neighbors[i, j], :][1]])
coordinates[i, j, :, 1] = np.array([X[i,:][0], X[neighbors[i, j], :][0]])
The calculated information is then returned along with N and k.
return N, k, coordinates
Next the function for plotting the map is created. It takes the returned information from the pervious function as parameters.
def plot_map(N, k, coordinates):
The map figure is created and styled using Plotly. An API access token from Mapbox can be acquired for free after signing up. Mapbox has many beautiful maps from a variety of contributors. These look nice in academic papers. Remember to attribute the map creator. Times New Roman was used and the shape was set to a square. The nodes are added from the dataset.
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(
color_discrete_sequence=["rgb(255, 203, 3)"],
title="<span style='font-size: 32px;'><b>K-Nearest Neighbor KNN
# Now using Mapbox
legend=dict(yanchor="top", y=1, xanchor="left",x=0.9),
title=dict(yanchor="top", y=.85, xanchor="left",x=0.085),
font_family="Times New Roman",
title_font_size = 32,
font_size = 18)
The node diameters are set to 15.
# diameter of the plots
fig.update_traces(marker={'size': 15})
Using the information from the parameters the connectors are generated and added to the map.
# add line connectors
lines = coordinates.reshape((N*k, 2, 2))
i = 0
for row in lines:
showlegend = False,
i += 1
The line connectors are z-indexed below the nodes.
# line connectors layered below plots =[::-1]
Finally the map is saved in the output folder and rendered in the browser.
# Save map in output folder
print("Saving image to output folder...");
fig.write_image('output/knn_map.jpg', scale=5)
# Show map in web browser
print("Generating map in browser...");
After defining the functions we import our data from the data directory and format it.
# Data Import Path
SENSORS_CSV = 'data/geocoordinates.csv'
# Data Import Path
df = pd.read_csv(SENSORS_CSV)
# Keep only relevant columns
df = df.loc[:, ("LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE")]
# Remove missing geocoordinates
df = df[(df["LATITUDE"] != "NEIN") & (df["LONGITUDE"] != "NEIN")]
# Format the latitudes and longitudes
lon = []; lat = [];
for row in df["LATITUDE"]:
for row in df["LONGITUDE"]:
Finally we call our two functions to compute and create our KNN map.
N, k, coordinates = generate_knn_grid(df)
plot_map(N, k, coordinates)
KNN could be used, for instance, to predict how viruses and other pathogens will move across a given region or spatial area by creating a graph from the individual cases. However for traffic-related forecasting, it is preferable to construct the graph directly from the road network using the Dijkstra algorithm.
Sources for KNN: