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AnimeList Bot

License: GPL v3 CodeFactor Build status .NET Core Discord

This bot is made in RogueException/Discord.Net C#, and is built in dotnet core.

You can invite my bot to your discord server by clicking: here!

If you want to contact me via discord, use the al!contact [message] command, or add me as friend: Thaun_#0001

Else, you can join the support discord.


Welcome to my Anime List Bot, where you can make people in your server compete on how much anime you have seen.


Once the bot is online, you can add your MAL or Anilist profile: al!setup MAL/Anilist Username and you will be added to the bot. You are able to register both of the same time, but you can only use one of them.

Use al!setlist MAL/Anilist to choose which one to use.

al!profile Shows Anime and Manga statistics, just only days and rank.

al!profile anime or al!animeprofile shows you full statistics for anime. Rank, Days, Mean Score, Total Entries, Episodes watched, normal statistics.

al!profile manga or al!mangaprofile shows full manga statistics like anime statistics, just with chapters and volumes.

al!leaderboard will give you a leaderboard of which one of the people in the server have watched/read most anime/manga.

al!setlist allow you to swap between profiles, from MAL to Anilist without reapplying profile settings.

al!resetuser [Y] removes all stored user data that the bot currently holds. Use the argument "Y" to confirm deletion of data. Warning: This is not reversible.


Ranks in this bot are setup this way if you have enough days you gain a role.

[Requires: ManageRoles] al!addrank [anime/manga] [@role/id] [days] which will add a rank to the server, if someone ever has watched the amount of [days] in either [anime] or [manga] they get the rank.

[Requires: ManageRoles] al!editrank [anime/manga] [@role/id] [newdays] which will edit the current needed days tor the rank to be given.

[Requires: ManageRoles] al!removerank [anime/manga] [@role/id] which will remove the rank from the server, and noone will be able to get it anymore.

[Requires: ManageRoles] al!updateranks Updates ranks for all users in the server.

al!updaterank Updates your rank if needed.

al!ranks Shows a list of current ranks, for anime and manga.


al!anime Searches for anime from your animelist (MAL/Anilist), and also shows your statistics of that anime if you have registered it.

al!manga Searches for manga from your animelist (MAL/Anilist), and also shows your statistics of that manga if you have registered it.

al!character Searches for character from your animelist (MAL/Anilist).

al!staff Searches for staff from your animelist (MAL/Anilist).


Thanks to SauceNAO!

al!trace <image-link> searches that image for what anime or manga that image is from.

al!trace (with image as attachment) same as above, but you have to upload the image as attachment while you do the command.


[Requires: ManageRoles] al!autolist [#channel/id] sets the channel where users can just paste their MAL/Anilist link there, and it will be automaticly added to the bot. Warning: This will delete invalid url messages in that channel.

[Requires: ManageRoles] autolistremove removes the channel for tracking.

al!autolistchannel sends a message back where it gives you the link for the channel.


al!help Replies with a list of commands.

al!help [command] Replies with a description and usage of the command specified.

al!contact [message] sends a DM to the bot owner.

al!invite gets an invite link for the bot

al!github gets the github link for the bot (this github)

al!gitstatus checks the bot's current git status.

al!prefix allows you to view the server bot prefix. Max 3 characters. To change the prefix, you need the Administrator permission.

Bot Info

al!stats shows statistics of the server, for example uptime, usercount, guilds and more.

al!info shows bot information, owner, shards and current shard, Discord.NET version, and links to invite and github.

al!support gives discord invite link to the support server, and shows the command for contact.


These commands are special and can only be used by the bot owner. If you yourself want to host this bot for yourself, you can edit the botOwners.txt file and add all the user'ids per line in there for those you want to give bot owner power.

al!stop stops the bot and exits the program.

al!errortest [errormessage] bot sends a fake exception to the program

al!setgamestatus [activityType] [gameMessage] sets the game status for the bot to whichever Playing, Streaming, Listening or Watching and then adds a message to the side.

al!setonlinestatus [status] sets which status the bot should have, Online, Idle, AFK, etc.

al!anilimit checks your rate limit for anilist.

al!ignoreexception [add, remove, view] ignores exceptions sent to the bot owner.

Extra Info: As a bot owner, you get to have the exlusive right to be able to get your exception messages right inside your DM's, thou the ID is hard coded. Found in Logger.cs


  1. Download from GitHub or clone the repository:

  2. Setup an app in

  3. Copy the token and insert in config_template.json

  4. Rename config_template.json to config.json

  5. In Visual Studio 2019, publish the app from the Build toolbar.

  6. Run command dotnet AnimeListBot.dll in repo\AnimeListBot\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0

Database Setup

To be able to use the bot, you would have to have a database setup. And at the moment, the database currently used is PostgreSQL.

To connect your PostgreSQL database to the server, make sure you have the tables correctly set up as shown below, and edit the config.json to the correct login information.

Database Table Structure


server_id register_channel_id animerole_id animerole_days mangarole_id mangarole_days prefix
bigint bigint bigint[] double precision[] bigint[] double precision[] text
697542156373721101 697545325748944997 {id0,id1,id2} {days0,days1,days2} {id0,id1,id2} {days0,days1,days2} a!


user_id mal_username anilist_username list_preference anime_days manga_days
bigint text text integer bigint bigint
96580514021912576 Thaun_ Thaun 0(MAL) or 1(Anilist) 100 25



id shard_id_start shard_id_end
bigint integer integer
0 0 2
1 3 5

Libs and API's

Thanks to these who made these libraries, and made this bot possible.



