Instead of display the banner with a slider, you can change it into a banner wall.
If you create a new banner you can add them to a row/column. The system try to display the banner at that position. It try to fill from the top down, from the left to the right. The row/column will use for sorting.
If the system detect more then one banner on the same place, the system display a slider (nivo-slider) to display the information there at the same place.
You can select a categorie or/and a content page where the system should display the banner. If no categorie/content page selected, the banner will display on the start page.
Module was created for Oxid 6.2, "Wave" Theme.
New features:
* alternative title
* alternative description
* additional css class for banner caption
* change default nivo slider settings
Used third party modules:
Open the teminal in you oxid root directory (the "source" folder is a subfolder there and a "composer.json" shoud be there)
Execute following command within the terminal
composer config git ThomasJanda/oxid-banner/ composer require rs/banner:dev-master --update-no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs
The installation script will now ask some question if you like to override existing files. Type always "n" for "No" and hit enter for confirmation.
Template changes
File: /source/Application/views/wave/tpl/layout/page.tpl add new block "rs_banner" <div class="[{if $blFullwidth}]container-fluid[{else}]container[{/if}]"> <div class="row"> [{block name="rs_banner"}] [{if $oView->getClassName()=='start' && $oView->getBanners() && !empty($oView->getBanners())}] [{include file="widget/promoslider.tpl"}] [{/if}] [{/block}] </div> File: /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/page/info/content.tpl <h1 class="page-header">[{$template_title}]</h1> [{block name="rs_banner"}][{/block}] <article class="cmsContent"> [{$oView->getParsedContent()}] </article> File: /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/page/list/list.tpl <a class="rss" id="rssActiveCategory" aria-label="RSS Current Category" href="[{$}]" title="[{$rsslinks.activeCategory.title}]" target="_blank"> <i class="fas fa-rss"></i> </a> [{/if}] </h1> </div> [{block name="rs_banner"}][{/block}] [{assign var="oPageNavigation" value=$oView->getPageNavigation()}] [{if $actCategory && $actCategory->getShortDescription() && $oPageNavigation->actPage == 1}] <p id="catDescLocator" class="categoryDescription"> <em>[{$actCategory->oxcategories__oxdesc->rawValue}]</em> </p> [{/if}]
Open the shop admin and enable module in the oxid admin area, Extensions => Modules