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maggi373 edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 8 revisions

Mekanism 1.7.10 Community Edition has depricated the mdk and now uses an api, just like what newer mek uses. this guide also works on the 1.12.2 community edition aswell.

Thorfusion has its own maven at, feel free to explore.

Thorfusion maven repo's

  • The central maven is a virtual repo that combines several repos together and making one central one. the central maven also contains the thorfusion repo.
  • The thorfusion maven is the repo that releases get pushed to, if its forks or original mods in the thorfusion organisation on github
  • The dev maven is our dev repo, where dev builds get pushed to, central does not contain this repo.

Declaring dependencies

dependencies {
    //This will use the latest version of MEK:CE 1.7.10 builds
    compile(group: 'mekanism', name: 'Mekanism-Community-Edition', version: '1.7.10-9.10.+', classifier: 'API')
    //This will use an selected version of MEK:CE 1.7.10 builds which in case is 24
    compile(group: 'mekanism', name: 'Mekanism-Community-Edition', version: '1.7.10-9.10.24', classifier: 'API')
    //This will use the latest version of MEK:CE 1.12.2 builds
    compile(group: 'mekanism', name: 'Mekanism-Community-Edition', version: '1.12.2-9.12.+', classifier: 'API')
    //This will use an selected version of MEK:CE 1.12.2 builds which in case is 2
    compile(group: 'mekanism', name: 'Mekanism-Community-Edition', version: '1.12.2-9.12.2', classifier: 'API')

Remember that when using the latest dependency like '1.7.10-9.10.+' will also work on our dev repo. so if you add the dev repo to repositories in your buildscript, it will always get the latest dev build.

Mod examples on how to use the new api for MEK:CE