This is a study project that utilizes various libraries for a React Native application. NodeJS/TypeScript application for car rental, allowing user and admin registration. Some functionalities include applying fines, preventing the rental of an unavailable car, authentication middlewares
Node - Download Node
Yarn - Download Yarn
@expo-google-fonts/archivo - Archivo on npm
@expo-google-fonts/inter - Inter on npm
@nozbe/watermelondb - WatermelonDB on npm
@react-native-community/netinfo - Netinfo on npm
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs - Bottom Tabs on npm
@react-navigation/native - React Navigation on npm
@react-navigation/stack - Navigation Stack on npm
axios - Axios on npm
date-fns - Date-fns on npm
expo - Expo on npm
expo-font - Expo Fonts on npm
expo-image-picker - Expo Image Picker on npm
expo-splash-screen - Expo Splash Screen on npm
expo-status-bar - Expo Status Bar on npm
react - React on npm
react-native - React Native on npm
react-native-calendars - Calendars on npm
react-native-fast-image - Fast Image on npm
react-native-gesture-handler - Gesture Handler on npm
react-native-reanimated - Reanimated on npm
react-native-responsive-fontsize - Responsive Fontsize on npm
react-native-safe-area-context - Safe Area Context on npm
react-native-screens - Screens on npm
react-native-svg - SVG on npm
styled-components - Styled Components on npm
typescript - TypeScript on npm
yup - Yup on npm
The backend for this project is built using Nest.js. You can find the backend code at RentX-Ignite Backend.