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Comprehensive collection of extension methods for C# arrays. Also available as NuGet package.


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A comprehensive collection of extension methods for arrays in C#.

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var result = array.MethodName();

Features ⭐

Generic Array methods

Name Description
Add<T>(), AddRange<T>() Appends single or multiple items to the end of an array.
AllEqual<T>() Checks if all elements in an array are identical.
AnyNull<T>() Determines if any element in an array of reference types is null.
BinarySearch<T>() Performs a binary search on a sorted array.
Chunk<T>() Divides an array into smaller arrays of a specified maximum size.
Contains<T>() Checks if the array contains a specified element.
CountOf<T>() Counts occurrences of a specific item in the array.
DeepCopy<T>() Creates a deep copy of an array, where elements implement ICloneable.
DistinctBy<T, TKey>() Returns distinct elements based on a specified selector function.
DistinctValues<T>() Returns distinct values from the array.
FindFirstAndLast<T>() Finds the first and last elements that match a given predicate.
FindIndices<T>() Finds indices of all elements that match a given predicate.
FindOrDefault<T>() Finds an element matching a predicate, or returns a default value.
Flatten<T>() Flattens a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array.
ForEach<T>() Executes an action on each element of an array.
ForEachIndexed<T>() Executes an action on each element of an array with its index.
GroupBySequential<T, TKey>() Groups adjacent elements sharing a key or property.
Head<T>(), Tail<T>(), LastN<T>(), FirstN<T>() Provide various ways to slice and access elements.
Interleave<T>() Interleaves elements of two arrays into a single array.
InsertAt<T>() Inserts an element at a specified index.
IsNullOrEmpty<T>(), IsEmpty<T>() Check if an array is empty or null/empty, respectively.
IsSorted<T>() Checks if the array is sorted according to a specified comparer.
IsUnique<T>() Determines whether all elements in the array are unique.
JoinToString<T>() Concatenates string representations of elements with a delimiter.
Map<T, TResult>() Transforms each element of the array using a selector function.
MaxBy<T, TKey>(), MinBy<T, TKey>() Finds the maximum/minimum element based on a specified selector function.
MostCommon<T>() Finds the most common element in the array.
Permute<T>() Generates all possible permutations of the array.
RandomSample<T>() Selects a random sample of elements.
RemoveAt<T>() Removes the element at a specified index.
RemoveDuplicates<T>() Removes duplicate elements from the array.
RemoveNulls<T>() Removes all null items from an array of reference types.
ReplaceAll<T>() Replaces all occurrences of a specific value with another in the array.
Resize<T>() Resizes an array to a specified new size.
Reverse<T>() Reverses the elements of the array.
RotateLeft<T>(), RotateRight<T>() Rotates the array left or right by a specified number of positions.
SafeGet<T>() Retrieves an element at a specified index or a default value if out of range.
SafeSet<T>() Sets a value at a specified index, resizing the array if necessary.
Segment<T>() Splits an array into segments based on a predicate.
SequentialPairs<T>() Generates a sequence of tuples from sequential pairs of elements.
Shuffle<T>() Randomly shuffles the elements of an array.
Slice<T>() Returns a portion of the array, similar to substring for strings.
Subset<T>() Returns all possible subsets of the array.
SumBy<T>() Calculates the sum of array elements based on a selector function.
TakeWhile<T>(), SkipWhile<T>() Takes or skips elements of the array while a condition is true.
ToHashSet<T>() Converts the array to a HashSet, removing duplicates.
ZipWith<T, TOther, TResult>() Combines two arrays into one using a specified selector function.

DateTime Array methods

Name Description
AllInFuture Checks if all dates in the array are in the future.
AllInPast Checks if all dates in the array are in the past.
BusinessDaysCount Calculates the number of business days between the earliest and latest date in the array.
ClosestTo Gets the closest date to a specified reference date.
DateRange Gets the range between the earliest and latest date.
EarliestDate Finds and returns the earliest date present in the array.
EquidistantDates Finds dates that are equidistant from a given reference date.
FilterByDateRange Filters dates that fall within a specified date range.
FilterHolidays Filters dates that match a provided list of holidays.
FilterLastDayOfWeek Filters dates that fall on the last specific day of the week of their month.
FilterNthDayOfWeek Filters dates that are the nth occurrence of a specified day of the week in their month.
FilterWeekdays Filters dates that are weekdays (Monday to Friday).
FilterWeekends Filters dates that are weekends (Saturday or Sunday).
GroupByDay Groups dates by day.
GroupByDayOfWeek Groups dates by their day of the week.
GroupByMonth Groups dates by month.
GroupByYear Groups dates by year.
LatestDate Finds and returns the latest date present in the array.

String Array methods

Name Description
AllOfLength Checks if all strings in the array are of a specified length.
AggregateStrings Aggregates the array into a single string using a specified function.
AnyNullOrEmpty Checks if any string in the array is null or empty.
AnyNullOrWhiteSpace Checks if any string in the array is null or whitespace.
CapitalizeFirstLetter Capitalizes the first letter of each string in the array.
ConcatenateWithSeparator Concatenates all strings in the array with a given separator.
ContainsSubstring Checks if any of the strings in the array contains a specified substring.
CountOccurrencesOfSubstring Counts occurrences of a specific substring in all strings of the array.
CountStringsMatchingPattern Counts the number of strings that match a regular expression pattern.
EndsWithSubstring Checks if any of the strings in the array ends with a specified substring.
FilterByPattern Filters strings that match a given regular expression pattern.
HasDuplicates Checks if the array contains any duplicate strings.
JoinNonEmpty Concatenates non-empty strings in the array with a given separator.
LongestString Retrieves the longest string from the array.
NormalizeWhitespace Replaces multiple consecutive whitespace characters in each string with a single space.
RemoveNullOrEmpty Removes all null or empty strings from the array.
RemoveNullOrWhiteSpace Removes all null, empty, or whitespace strings from the array.
ReplaceInAll Replaces a specified substring in all strings of the array.
ReverseEach Reverses each string in the array.
SortAlphabetically Sorts the array of strings in alphabetical order.
StartsWithSubstring Checks if any of the strings in the array starts with a specified substring.
ShortestString Retrieves the shortest string from the array.
ToLowerCase Converts all strings in the array to lowercase.
ToUpperCase Converts all strings in the array to uppercase.
TrimAll Trims whitespace from all strings in the array.
UniqueStrings Returns an array of unique strings, removing duplicates..

Integer Array methods

Name Description
AverageIgnoringZero Calculates the average of the elements in the array, ignoring zero values.
FindPrimeNumbers Filters the array to include only prime numbers.
IsMonotonicallyIncreasing Checks if the array's elements are in a strictly increasing order.
IsMonotonicallyDecreasing Checks if the array's elements are in a strictly decreasing order.
MultiplyAll Multiplies all elements in the array and returns the product.
Mode Finds the most frequently occurring number(s) in the array.
Percentile Finds the percentile value in the array.
Randomize Randomizes the order of elements in the array.
StandardDeviation Calculates the standard deviation of the array elements.
SumAbsoluteDifferences Calculates the sum of the absolute differences between all pairs of elements.
SumEvenNumbers Sums all the even numbers in the array.
SumOddNumbers Sums all the odd numbers in the array.
ToFrequencyMap Creates a frequency map (count of each element).
Variance Calculates the variance of the array elements.

Multi Dimensional Array methods

Generic Multi Dimensional Array methods

Name Description
AllEqual<T>() Checks if all elements in a multi-dimensional array are identical.
Contains<T>() Checks if the multi-dimensional array contains a specific element.
CountOf<T>() Counts occurrences of a specific item in the multi-dimensional array.
DeepCopy<T>() Creates a deep copy of the multi-dimensional array.
Fill<T>() Fills the multi-dimensional array with a specific value.
FindFirst<T>() Finds the first occurrence of an element that matches a condition.
Flatten<T>() Flattens a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array.
ForEach<T>() Iterates over each element in a multi-dimensional array and executes the provided action.
GetColumn<T>() Retrieves a specific column from a multi-dimensional array.
GetRow<T>() Retrieves a specific row from a multi-dimensional array.
Rotate90DegreesClockwise<T>() Rotates the array 90 degrees clockwise.
Transpose<T>() Transposes a two-dimensional array.




Comprehensive collection of extension methods for C# arrays. Also available as NuGet package.







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