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weibulltools 2.0.0

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@Tim-TU Tim-TU released this 13 Jan 08:40
· 165 commits to master since this release

Breaking Changes

  • Package now depends on R(>= 3.5.0)

Non-Parametric Failure Probabilities

  • mr_method(): Deprecated, use estimate_cdf() instead. Renamed output column characteristic with x. Set default value for id to NULL.
  • johnson_method(): Deprecated, use estimate_cdf() instead. Renamed output column characteristic with x. Set default value for id to NULL.
  • kaplan_method(): Deprecated, use estimate_cdf() instead. Renamed output column characteristic with x. Set default value for id to NULL.
  • nelson_method(): Deprecated, use estimate_cdf() instead. Renamed output column characteristic with x. Set default value for id to NULL.
  • plot_prob.default() (former plot_prob()): Renamed event with status.
  • plot_prob_mix(): Deprecated, use plot_prob() instead. Removed default value NULL for argument mix_output. Renamed event with status.

Parametric Models

  • ml_estimation.default() (former ml_estimation()): Renamed event with status. Removed details. Changed names and contents of list elements in output. See ?ml_estimation.
  • loglik_function: Renamed event with status. Renamed pars with dist_params.
  • rank_regression.default() (former rank_regression()): Renamed event with status. Removed details. Changed names and contents of list elements in output. See ?rank_regression.
  • mixmod_em.default() (former mixmod_em()): Renamed event with status. Removed post.
  • mixmod_regression.default() (former mixmod_regression()): Renamed event with status. Added arguments k and control, which provide finer control over the segmentation process. Expect default setting to provide other results than in prior versions.
  • predict_prob(): Renamed loc_sc_params with dist_params.
  • predict_quantile(): Renamed loc_sc_params with dist_params.
  • plot_mod.default() (former plot_mod()): Renamed event with status. Renamed loc_sc_params with dist_params. Removed y.
  • plot_mod_mix(): Deprecated, use plot_mod() instead. Renamed event with status.
  • plot_pop(): Added argument tol to restrict the range of failure probabilities. Removed argument color. Renamed argument params to dist_params_tbl, which only supports location and scale parameters (also for distribution = "weibull"). Changed behavior of dist_params_tbl: A tibble is now recommended instead of a vector.

Confidence Intervals

  • confint_betabinom.default() (former confint_betabinom()): Renamed event with status. Renamed loc_sc_params with dist_params. Added argument b_lives which allows the user to specify probabilities p for B_p-lives to be considered.
  • confint_fisher.default() (former confint_fisher()): Renamed event with status. Renamed loc_sc_params with dist_params. Renamed loc_sc_varcov with dist_varcov. Added argument b_lives which allows the user to specify probabilities p for B_p-lives to be considered.
  • delta_method(): Renamed loc_sc_params with dist_params. Renamed loc_sc_varcov with dist_varcov.
  • plot_conf.default() (former plot_conf()): Switched position of arguments direction and distribution.

Monte Carlo Simulation

  • dist_delay_register(): Deprecated, use dist_delay() instead.
  • dist_delay_report(): Deprecated, use dist_delay() instead.
  • mcs_delay_register(): Deprecated, use mcs_delay() instead. Renamed x with time. Renamed event with status. Removed seed. Removed int_seed from output list.
  • mcs_delay_report(): Deprecated, use mcs_delay() instead. Renamed x with time. Renamed event with status. Removed seed. Removed int_seed from output list.
  • mcs_delays(): Deprecated, use mcs_delay() instead. Renamed x with time. Renamed event with status. Removed seed. Removed int_seed from output list.
  • dist_mileage(): Removed event. Renamed x with time. Switched position of arguments time and mileage.
  • mcs_mileage(): Removed event. Renamed x with time. Switched position of arguments time and mileage.

New Features

  • Added support for ggplot2 in all plot functions. Plot method can be selected in plot_prob() or plot_pop() via argument plot_method.
  • Added reliability_data(): Create consistent reliability data.
  • Added estimate_cdf(): Unite functionality of mr_method(), johnson_method(), kaplan_method() and nelson_method(). Added option ties.method for method = "mr", which specifies how ties should be treated.
  • Support of multiple methods in estimate_cdf() and all functions that depend on the cdf_estimation (rank_regression(), plot_prob(), plot_mod(), plot_conf(), mixmod_regression()).
  • plot_prob() and plot_mod() are able to handle mixture models.
  • mixmod_regression() is now more flexible. Argument k can be used to control number of subgroups or to determine them in an automatic fashion. Argument control provides additional control over the segmentation procedure.
  • Added print.wt_rank_regression(), print.wt_ml_estimation(), print.wt_model_estimation(), print.wt_model_estimation_list(), print.wt_mixmod_regression() and print.wt_mixmod_regression_list().
  • Added vcov.wt_model_estimation().
  • Added dist_delay(): Generalizes the distribution-specific modeling of delays.
  • Added mcs_delay(): Generalizes the adjustment of operating times by delays and supports multiple delays at once.
  • Added lifecycle badges

Introduction of S3 interface

  • rank_regression() is now an S3 generic. rank_regression() becomes rank_regression.default(). Added rank_regression.wt_cdf_estimation().
  • plot_prob() is now an S3 generic. plot_prob() becomes plot_prob.default(). Added plot_prob.wt_cdf_estimation() and plot_prob.wt_model().
  • plot_mod() is now an S3 generic. plot_mod() becomes plot_mod.default(). Added plot_mod.wt_model().
  • plot_conf() is now an S3 generic. plot_conf() becomes plot_conf.default(). Added plot_conf.wt_confint().
  • plot_pop(): Added support for multiple population lines and comparison of two- and three-parametric distributions.

Documentation improvements

  • Revised README.
  • Revised vignettes.
  • Capitalized parameter documentation.

Lifecycle changes


  • dist_delay_register() and dist_delay_report(): Use dist_delay() instead.
  • mcs_delay_register(), mcs_delay_report() and mcs_delays(): Use mcs_delay() instead.
  • mr_method(), johnson_method(), kaplan_method() and nelson_method(): Use estimate_cdf() instead.
  • plot_prob_mix(): Use plot_prob() instead.
  • plot_mod_mix(): Use plot_mod() instead.


  • calculate_ranks.
  • mixture_em_cpp.
  • plot_layout.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed bug inside plot_mod_mix() for the case of no mixture distribution.
  • Fixed bug inside confint_betabinom(): many cases near one -> unique().
  • Fixed bug inside mr_method(): assigning a rank for the same lifetime.
  • Fixed bug inside mixmod_regression: call to segmented::segmented.lm() was incorrect.
  • Added trace type "scatter" and scatter mode "markers" to plotly plots.
  • delta_method(), r_squared_profiling() and loglik_profiling() were vectorized.