exe runner for windows.
A Go module that provides a alternative to exec.LookPath()
on Windows.
The following, relatively common approach to running external commands has a vulnerability on Windows:
import "os/exec"
func goMod() error {
cmd := exec.Command("go", "mod", "download)
return cmd.Run()
Searching the current directory (surprising behavior) before searching folders listed in the PATH environment variable (expected behavior) seems to be intended in Go and unlikely to be changed: golang/go#38736
Example use:
import (
tcexe "github.com/Timothee-Cardoso/tc-exe"
func goMod() error {
goPath, err := tcexe.LookPath("git")
if err != nil {
return err
cmd := exec.Command(goPath, "mod", "download")
return cmd.Run()