TinySvgHelper is a library that makes it easier to use svg images in your Xamarin.Forms app.
The library is published to NuGet, https://www.nuget.org/packages/TinySvgHelper/
To install it, search for TinySvgHelper in the Nuget Package Manager or install it with the following command:
Install-Package TinySvgHelper
To use it you must add SvgHelper.Init() to your MainActivity and/or AppDelegate.
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
You can use TinySvgHelper either from your XAML- or C# code. For iOS add the svg files to the Resources folder and for Android add the svg files to the Assets folder.
First you need to import the namespace:
Then you will use it as a markup extension:
<Image Source="{svg:Svg FileName='logo.svg', Height=200,Width=200}" />
You can also specify a color to it:
<ShellContent Icon="{svg:Svg FileName='info.svg', Height=22,Width=22,Color=Black}" Title="Start">
<views:StartView />
using TinySvgHelper;
var image = new Image();
image.Source = SvgHelper.GetAsImageSource("info.svg", 50, 50, Color.Blue);