A blog copy of Na'viteri.org for offline use.
This file is written to 100% in HTML with very few Javascript code that is used for the hide/show text function in this file. This file is designed to work on almost any devices (personal computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). One just need a program or app that is able to render HMTL files such as standard browsers. To get the best results, you should use a browser that can handle with HTML5 (important for audio and video materials).
To navigate in this file, just use the "Table of Content" in the header (just move your mouse over the text) and a list of available content will be shown. If your HTML renderer has a search function, use it for searching. It should work without any problem. Together with this file, there should be also a folder called "Naviteri" that contains all the audio, video and images for this file. This file works without them, but then without audio, video and images that is used for this file - only text will be shown.
Tipp: click at the date of a blog post or comment. You will directed to the original source on Na'viteri
This file is created to be editable for those users who want to add notes, or want to change something for their own preferences. As this file is written in HTML, you need an editor. A simple text editor can open this file, but I would recommand to use an HTML editor. There are some OpenSource editors that is for free on the internet. If you are editing an HTML file the first time, use the internet for getting information about it, or just ask in the forum for help.
If you see mistakes such as broken code, please feel free to report them to me! Seiyi irayo nìli!
Author of this file: Tìtstewan LearnNa'vi.org
Blog content author: Professor Paul Frommer Na'viteri.org
Original header image based on landscape photography by fortes Iknimayan modifications by Britton Watkins (aka: Prrton).