Custom image to deploy Node-RED very easily on IoMBian devices.
To build the docker image, from the cloned repository, execute the docker build command in the same level as the Dockerfile:
docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} .
For example: docker build -t iombian-node-red:latest .
After building the image, execute it with docker run:
docker run --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} --rm -d -v ./data:/data -p 1880:1880 -e AUTH_ENABLED=true -e AUTH_USER_USERNAME=iompi -e AUTH_USER_PASSWORD=iompi iombian-node-red:latest
- --name is used to define the name of the created container.
- --rm can be used to delete the container when it stops. This parameter is optional.
- -d is used to run the container detached. This way the container will run in the background. This parameter is optional.
- -v is used to map the 'data' folder for backup purposes.
- -p is used to map a port of the container on the host.
- -e can be used to define the environment variables:
- LISTENER_PORT: the internal port where the ui server should listen to new connections. Default value is 1880.
- AUTH_ENABLED: enable user authentication. Default value is true.
- AUTH_USER_USERNAME: the username of the authentication user. Default value is iompi.
- AUTH_USER_PASSWORD: the password of the authentication user. Default value is iompi.
- AUTH_USER_PERMISSIONS: the permission level of the authentication user. Default value is * (all permissions)
Otherwise, a docker-compose.yml
file can also be used to launch the container:
version: '3'
image: iombian-node-red:latest
container_name: iombian-node-red
restart: unless-stopped
- "1880:1880"
- ./data:/data
docker compose up -d
(c) 2024 Aitor Iturrioz Rodríguez (Tknika)