Another ZooKeeper Wrapper
JRuby Zk requires all the jar files for using ZooKeeper from JRuby.
Note about version
The version of this gem will reflect the version of zookeeper bundled with it. So if you are using v3.4.5 of this gem, then you are using v3.4.5 of zookeeper.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'jruby-zk'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install jruby-zk
require 'jruby-zk'
java_import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper
That's it. You now have access to ZooKeeper.
require 'jruby-zk'
java_import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper
class DummyWatcher
include org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher
watcher =
zk ='', 10000, watcher)
zk.session_id #=> 90002156548456448
zk.session_timeout #=> 10000
zk.state.to_s #=> "CONNECTED"
acl = Java::OrgApacheZookeeper::ZooDefs::Ids::OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE
create_mode = Java::OrgApacheZookeeper::CreateMode::PERSISTENT
zk.create('/zoo_test', nil, acl, create_mode) #=> "/zoo_test"
zk.getChildren('/', false).to_a #=> ["zoo_test", "zookeeper"]
zk.delete('/zoo_test', -1) #=> nil
zk.get_children('/', false).to_a #=> ["zookeeper"]
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