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SMCCP 3.0.0

Simple Multiclient Chatprogram

A Simple Multiclient Chatprogram utilizing SFML and DiscordRPC, written in C++

SFML is used for basic graphics for which I wrote own classes for Input, etc. like buttons. Just to play around, I also added Discord Rich Presence support (at this point just barebones).

How to use the project

First use

Unpack the zip-file "" and put all folders inside "/SMCCP/SMCCP/", the folder where all source and header files are


After building for the first time, unpack the bin zip-files next to the Debug/Release folder, named "" and "". Put the resulting dll files in the corresponding folder.

Planned features for 3.0.0:

  • Changing system from individual updates to a callback system, because then there is only one main loop
    • InputHandler
      • Templates for callbacks, that you don't need to use std::function<std::string,sf::Event::TextEvent> for example
        • not as useful as planned :(
      • Class/namespace, that calls back on important events
      • Callbacks can be added for the events
    • GraphicsHandler
      • Have one class/namespace handle all windows, like the currently focused window
    • Have class, that all classes using a window inherit from
      • With that, you can just inherit from that, override the callbacks and the rest is handled by the base class (adding and deleting callbacks in InputHandler)
  • Image support
  • Proper Pop-Up support
  • More sounds
  • Own class/namespace for Discord Rich Presence
  • Settings window
    • Persistent Settings
  • Simple commands
  • Structuring the code
    • Using regions
    • Constant naming scheme
      • Example: Server (Run(), Update(), printNames())
        • Capital letters no indication of access modifier
Planned for later versions
  • Webserver to enable usage over WI-FI
  • Make Client- and Serverclasses that can be inherited to have custom Clients/Servers
  • Extended commands
  • Scalable window
  • Unicode ☺ ♘ ⚽ ⛓
  • Emojis
  • Persistent accounts on a server
    • Restartable server
    • Saved chat on server
    • Messages while a client is offline -*[ ] Possibility for dedicated server with no/minimal UI and no possibility to chat

To see a Howto, click here.