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Break Hopper Settings

CraftyKenny edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 11 revisions

Particle Settings

particle - Set the particle for when the hopper breaks.

View the particles list:

    particle: CLOUD

Break Settings

breakEvery - Break interval, seconds
collectDrops - Set whether you want the hopper to collect drops instantly or not

    breakEvery: 3
    collectDrops: true

Collection Settings

drops - Set the drops for the hopper (aka: what the hopper will break and pickup) and the amount This can be in a range, or a specific number

    # This will drop 3 diamonds each time a diamond ore is broken
    - "DIAMOND_ORE:3"
    # This will drop between 2 - 4 diamonds each time a diamond ore is broken
    - "DIAMOND_ORE:2-4"

Upgrade Settings

With MFHoppers, there's a system where server owners can allow players to upgrade their hoppers.

Simpily, add upgrades: under a hopper with the Break type hopper.

        breakEvery: 8
        limitPerChunk: -1

You are able to add any configuration of the general hopper settings here

Price Settings (Upgrades)

priceType - Set the price type: XP, ECO, or COMMAND (Parse's Placeholder)
price - Set Value for the Price

        price: 1000
        priceType: COMMAND
        pricePlaceholderValue: "%supermobcoins_mobcoins%" 
        price: 500
        priceType: XP
        price: 50000
        priceType: ECO

Upgrade Inventory

NOTE: This is outside of the Hoppers: option!

  title: "&3&lUPGRADE HOPPER"
    name: "&b&lINFO"
    material: PAPER
      - "&b&l* &7Level: &b%lvl%"
      - "&b&l* &7Type: &b%type%"
      - "&b&l* &7Name: &b%name%"
  filler_color: "CYAN"
    material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
    name: "&b&lUPGRADE"
      - "&7Click to upgrade your hopper from level &b%lvl% &7to &b%nextlvl%"

title - Inventory Title
name - Display Name of Item
material - Material of the item
lore - Lore of the item
filler_color - The fill color the GUI