cleaner_bot is a ros-noetic turtlebot3 based package which simulates a vacuum cleaner robot.
To install this repository first make sure you have all the turtlebot3 packages and explore-lite packages installed. For that:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-move-base ros-noetic-turtlebot3-bringup ros-noetic-turtlebot3-navigation ros-noetic-explore-lite
Clone this repository in catkin_ws/src
and build your workspace:
Start the gazebo simulation with
roslaunch cleaner_bot gazebo.launch
If the map of your world is not known then you must run the exploration first which is:
roslaunch cleaner_bot explore.launch
Do not forget to save your map after exploration is done with:
rosrun map_server map_saver --occ 90 --free 10 -f ~/catkin_ws/src/cleaner_bot/map/<YOUR_MAP> map:=/map
Then you can perform cleaning by first closing the exploration node and running:
roslaunch cleaner_bot do_cleaning.launch
Here is a YouTube Video of the project.
For further explanation check cleaner_bot.pdf
inside the repository.