Frontend developer based in Berlin, Germany.
Trainee in Fullstack Web Development @ writeaguide (Jun 2019 - Oct 2019)
Cloud-based application (SaaS) for smart knowledge management.
- Boosted usability of the process by allowing the user to export the documentation in pdf and markdown format.
- Researched and documented the process of restructuring the codebase to help the company by the localization process. This increased the amount of registered users and lead to growth.
- Tested new developed features by defining, creating and implementing the tests.
- Monitored and created tasks using Kanban.
- Reported to the CEO.
Technologies used: PHP, Laravel & Bootstrap 4
Automated time tracking Application
Increased productivity of freelancers by developed an automatic time tracking application.
- Interviewed 40+ students to clarify the needs of the application.
- Researched the relationship between time tracking and productivity.
- Designed a web application with UI & UX in mind.
Technologies used: Django, PostgreSQL & Bootstrap 4
Job platform which simplilfies the process of finding qualified developers and qualified companies.
- Teamed up with 2 excellent and motivated students.
- Defined low-fidelity prototypes to illustrated 4 key features of the application.
- Resolved as the first place in the Ironhack Hackathon with more than 10 projects.
Technologies used: React, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, API & React Bootstrap
Improved version of the feedback system of Ironhack by surveyed +40 students.
- Coordinated the development process with the team.
- Achieved user satisfaction by providing them an option to give feedback anonymously.
- Lectured +20 students the importance of giving the user the option to post anonymously and how it can be improved.
Technologies used: NodeJS, Express, MongoDB & HBS
Technical: JS, Jest, ReactJS, VueJS, NodeJS, Laravel, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Git & Github
Office-Tool: Trello, Slack & Notion
Communication: Connector, friendly & caring
Teamwork: Mediator, mentoring & teaching
Language: German (native), English (B2) & Turkish (A2)
Ironhack Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp @ Ironhack (Aug 2020 - Oct 2020)
- +400 hours of Coding.
- Influenced +15 students by teaching them programming concepts, to guide them through the projects.
- Implemented 2 projects in parallel during project week. * Experienced 2 types of background. One of the project was voted as the best web app.
- All 3 projects from the Bootcamp got nominated as the best full stack web application.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS
B.Sc. Business Informatics @ HTW Berlin (Aug 2016 - Apr 2020)
- Development of a canteen app that organized the meal plan in german Universities.
Technologies used: Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP & Android Studio