A solution to the stage one task of the frontend track
Users can :
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for interactive elements
- Live Site URL: Live Site URl
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- B E M [Block - Element - Modifier] Custom Properties
- ABCSS Custom Properties
- CSS custom properties
- Flex box Properties
- CSS Grid
- Implementing Mobile-first workflow
Perfecting the use of CSS flex box in arrangement of element
Sorting of properties of element using BEM implementation and ABCSS
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Freecodecamp - This amazing course helps in improving expertise of anyone from level beginner to an expert.
Hash Node BLog - This is an amazing article can help anyone from a beginner to an expert.
MDN - This amazing article helps in understanding the natural heights of images.
FIrefox - This amazing reponsive design article helps in mastering responsive design.