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Obj Functions

Tomshi edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 9 revisions

class obj {

This class is a collection of wrapper functions designed to take normal AutoHotkey functions and return their VarRefs as object parameters instead.

A lot of functions in this class are likely to end up with the same parameters so instead of copying them over and over I'll define them here;


Type: String

The winTitle you wish to get the position of, this will default to the active window.


Type: String

The winText you wish to get the position of.


Type: String

The winTitle of any windows you wish to exclude.


Type: String

The winText of any windows you wish to exclude.


This function turns the inbuilt function SplitPath into a function that returns an object.

obj.SplitPath( [Path] )


Type: String

This parameter is the input path that will be split.

Return Value

Type: Object

script := obj.SplitPath("E:\Github\ahk\My Scripts.ahk")
script.Path       ; E:\Github\ahk\My Scripts.ahk
script.Name       ; My Scripts.ahk
script.Dir        ; E:\Github\ahk
script.Ext        ; ahk
script.NameNoExt  ; My Scripts
script.Drive      ; E:


This function acts as a wrapper for MouseGetPos() to return its VarRefs as an object instead.

obj.MousePos( [{flags}] )


Type: String

This parameter is to pass in normal flag settings for MouseGetPos. This can be omitted.

Return Value

Type: Object

mouse := getMousePos()
mouse.x       ;passes back the mouse `x coordinate`
mouse.y       ;passes back the mouse `y coordinate`     ;passes back the `window` the mouse is hovering


This function acts as a wrapper for WinGetPos() to return its VarRefs as an object instead.

obj.WinPos( [{winTitle := "A", winText?, exTitle?, exText?}] )

Return Value

Type: Object

window := obj.WinPos()


This function acts as a wrapper for checkImg() which is a wrapper function for ImageSearch. It will verify if the requested file exists and return the x and y coordinates as an object if it does. If the target file doesn't exist or the image cannot be found, the function will return false.

By default this function will have the option "*2 " but can be overridden by placing a new option at the beginning of the imgFile parameter.

obj.imgSrch( [{imgFile := "", coords := {x1 := 0, y1 := 0, x2 := A_ScreenWidth, y2 := A_ScreenHeight}, tooltips := false}] )

x1, y1, x2, y2

Type: Integer

The ImageSearch coordinates you wish to search within. These will default to the entire main screen.


Type: String

The filepath of the image you wish to search for. This variable also accepts all normal ImageSearch options if placed at the beginning of the parameter.


Type: Boolean/Object

This parameter is whether you want errorLog() to produce tooltips if it runs into an error. This parameter can be a simple true/false or an object that errorLog is capable of understanding

Return Value

Type: Object

img := obj.imgSrch(,,,, "image.png")


This function facilitates quickly and easily searching for multiple images at the same coordinate. Internally it calls obj.imgSrch

imgSrchMulti( [{coords := {x1 := 0, y1 := 0, x2 := A_ScreenWidth, y2 := A_ScreenHeight}, tooltips := false, &x?, &y?, imgFiles*}] )


Type: VarRef

These varrefs allow you to pass back the resulting x/y values as variables instead of an object. These parameters aren't required and can be omitted.


Type: String/Varadic

This parameter is a list of imagepaths that you'd like to imagesearch for. As this function internally calls obj.imgSrch these images don't need to exist and the function will not throw if no image is found.


This function is a wrapper function for ControlGetPos().

obj.ctrlPos( [{ctrl, winTitle := "A", winText?, exTitle?, exText?}] )


Type: String, Integer or Object

This parameter is the desired control you wish to find the position of.

If this parameter is left unset, this function will attempt to use ControlGetClassNN() on the active window (by default unless other parameters are set).

Return Value

Type: Object

button := obj.ctrlPos()
button.ctrl     ;// a string containing the control


This function allows you to search for an image over a custom length of time.

How many times this function searches and how fast it can do so is completely depend on the size of the area you wish to search. The bigger the area, the slower/less times the function will search for your image.

for example: searching the entire screen is incredibly slow and may take multiple seconds just to check once

This function internally calls obj.imgSrch() and as such will pass its parameters to it. Check that function for more specific details

obj.imgWait( [options, {coords}] )


Type: Object

This parameter is an object containing potential options. See Examples below for all options.

  • wait: time in ms you wish the function to search for the image
    • default: 1000
  • imgFile: the filepath of the image you wish to search for
  • tooltips: the parameter you with to pass to obj.imgSrch()
    • default: false


Type: Object

This parameter is an object containing all coord points you wish to monitor.

x1: 0
x2: A_ScreenWidth
y1: 0
y2: A_ScreenHeight

Return Value

Type: Object

img := obj.imgWait({wait: 2000, imgFile: "F:/untitled.png", tooltips: true})

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