This tool aim to help with usage of the clipboard when using virtual desktops (such as Xephyr)
It was created to allows host and virtual guest display to share the virtually same
This is not really a shared clipboard as the implementation is heavily using copy of data from one clipboard to another.
But in this case, the usage of Rust helps a lot as it really helps to handle some concurrency pitfalls.
Shared-clip will list all started virtual display at startup and then watch for each all events emitted by the clipboard
using clipnotify
when an event is emitted on a display, it will be forward to each other display which will sync their state with the first one.
Make sure to have Rust toolchain installed (see: documentation) Shared-clip also rely on clipnotify and xclip tools that should be available for most distros through package manager
In order to compile shared-clip
firstly run this command:
$ cargo build --release
then you can copy the result binary in your path (you should find it at <shared_clip_source_dir>/target/release/shared-clip)