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Data dictionary

Yannick Warnier edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 6 revisions

This page details the structure of the database and the meaning of each table and field. This project being under constant development, this document is very likely outdated already. Please refer to the document history for more information regarding the last update time.


This table represents the ESCO framework for occupations and skills, structured as needed for our use case.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
concept_type varchar(255) NO NULL Internal type code for ESCO
concept_uri varchar(255) NO NULL The URI of this particular item in the ESCO framework
code varchar(255) NO NULL Numerical code (usually part of the URI)
preferred_label longtext NO NULL Short title
alt_labels longtext YES NULL Alternative titles
in_scheme varchar(255) YES NULL Comma-separated URIs of ESCO schemes
description longtext NO NULL Long description


This table collects messages meant for the administrator. They are used to notify the admin of important events on the platform.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
title varchar(255) NO NULL Subject
is_read tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether it has been read by the admin or not
created_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp
read_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp


This table describes the occupations (as in "jobs") listed in the ESCO framework and linked to ESCO groups (table isco_group)

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
isco_group_id int(11) YES MUL NULL Link to the isco_group table, to place this occupation inside a category in the framework
concept_type varchar(255) NO NULL Always "Occupation" in this table
concept_uri varchar(255) NO NULL The URL to the full description of the occupation in the online ESCO framework
preferred_label longtext NO NULL A short description of the occupation
alt_labels longtext NO NULL Alternative descriptins
hidden_labels longtext YES NULL Internal ways of calling the occupation (like "dr" or "g.p.")
status varchar(255) NO NULL Always "released"
modified_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp
regulated_profession_note varchar(255) NO NULL Link to the online ESCO framework to specify whether this profession is regulated or unregulated
scope_note varchar(255) YES NULL Text describing whether this occupation includes or exlucdes some particular profession variation
definition longtext YES NULL Long text definition of the occupation
in_scheme longtext NO NULL Link to the online ESCO framework pages about concept schemes
description longtext YES NULL Long text description of the occupation
code varchar(255) NO NULL Numerical codes (may include separating dots)


This table forms the relationship between the occupation and the skill tables.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
occupation_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
skill_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
relation_type varchar(255) NO NULL Whether this skills is "optional" or "essential" for this occupation
skill_type varchar(255) NO NULL Whether the skill is a "knowledge" or a "skill/competence" for this occupation


Table holding the translations for occupations.

name type length default Purpose
id INT 11 Internal ID
occupation_id INT 11 Link to
locale VARCHAR 10
preferred_label LONGTEXT
alt_labels LONGTEXT NULL
hidden_labels LONGTEXT NULL
definition LONGTEXT
description LONGTEXT NULL


This table defines records of positions/vacancies available and registered and published by a recruiter user.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
user_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL Link to
creator_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL Link to (the creator of this record)
occupation_id int(11) YES MUL NULL Optional link to
name varchar(255) NO NULL The name of the vacancy
location varchar(255) YES NULL The location, in words
longitude varchar(255) YES NULL The longitude
latitude varchar(255) YES NULL The latitude
description longtext YES NULL A long text description of the vacancy.
salary double YES NULL The offered salary.
currency enum('euro','złoty') YES NULL The currency for the salary (currently we only support 'euro' and 'złoty').
created_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
start_at datetime YES NULL Position available from the date
end_at datetime YES NULL Position available until the date
score int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
max_score int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
completion int(10) unsigned NO 0 Percentage of completion of training fields
is_validated tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this position has been validated or not.
validated_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
is_rejected tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this position has been rejected by an admin or not.
rejected_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
distance int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
is_visible tinyint(1) NO 1 Whether this offer is published for other users to see or... not yet.
is_validated TINYINT(1) YES NULL
validated_at DATETIME YES NULL
is_rejected TINYINT(1) YES NULL
distance INT(10) YES NULL Champs dynamique pour calcul de pondération lors d'une recherche de formation


A list of skills required for this position/vacancy (link between the position and the skill tables).

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
position_id int(11) NO PRI NULL Link to
skill_id int(11) NO PRI NULL Link to


Skills list extracted from the ESCO framework.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
concept_type varchar(255) NO NULL Always KnowledgeSkillCompetence
concept_uri varchar(255) NO NULL URI pointing to this skill in the online ESCO framework page.
skill_type varchar(255) NO NULL skill/competence, knowledge or skill/competence knowledge as defined in ESCO
reuse_level varchar(255) NO NULL Description of how widespread/reused this skill is across sectors of activity.
preferred_label longtext NO NULL Skill label
alt_labels longtext NO NULL Alternative labels
hidden_labels longtext YES NULL Internal labels
status varchar(255) NO NULL Whether it has been released
modified_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp
scope_note longtext YES NULL Text describing whether this skill includes others or not
definition longtext YES NULL Definition of the skill.
in_scheme longtext YES NULL Link to the online ESCO framework pages about concept schemes.
description longtext YES NULL Description of the skill.


Translations for the skill table.

name type length default comment
id INT 11
skill_id INT 11
locale VARCHAR 10
preferred_label LONGTEXT NULL
alt_labels LONGTEXT NULL
hidden_labels LONGTEXT NULL
definition LONGTEXT NULL
description LONGTEXT NULL


List of training sessions registered on the platform. During the first phase of the project, these training sessions might not have dates. Later on, they should have start/end dates. As a training-recommendation platform, this table is kind of essential to the platform :-)

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
user_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL Link to
creator_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL Link to
occupation_id int(11) YES MUL NULL Link to
name varchar(255) NO NULL Name of the training
location varchar(255) YES NULL Textual description of the location
description longtext YES NULL Description of the training.
price double YES NULL The cost of the training.
created_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
start_at datetime YES NULL At what date the training session starts.
end_at datetime YES NULL At what date the training session ends.
has_sessions tinyint(1) NO 0 Are there any sessions associated with this training?
is_online tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this training is at least partly online.
is_online_monitored tinyint(1) NO 0 If online, whether this training is tutored.
is_presential tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this training is at least partly in person.
url varchar(255) YES NULL URL for more info.
files varchar(255) YES NULL Attached file.
score int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
completion int(10) unsigned NO 0 Percentage of completion of training fields
is_validated tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this training has been approved by an admin.
validated_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
is_rejected tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this training has been rejected by an admin.
rejected_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
longitude varchar(255) YES NULL Longitude
latitude varchar(255) YES NULL Latitude
duration_details varchar(255) YES NULL Textual description of the duration.
duration_value int(10) unsigned YES NULL Numeric duration ("4" if "4 days")
duration_time_to_seconds int(11) YES NULL Numeric duration in seconds
duration_unity enum('hours','days','weeks','months') YES NULL Numeric duration scale (hours, days, weeks or months)
currency enum('euro','złoty') YES NULL Currency in which the cost is expressed.
max_score int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
avg_mark double YES NULL Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
total_mark int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search
distance int(10) unsigned NO 0 Hydrated dynamic fields for advanced search


This table registers feedback votes from users on each training.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
training_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
user_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL NULL Link to
mark int(10) unsigned NO 0 The score given by the user to this training.
comment longtext YES NULL A comment left by the user about the training.
created_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.


This table represents sessions (configured between two dates) of a given training.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
training_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
name varchar(255) NO NULL Name of the training session.
location varchar(255) YES NULL Location in text.
duration varchar(255) YES NULL Duration in text.
description longtext YES NULL Description in text.
price varchar(255) YES NULL Price
start_at datetime YES NULL Start date for the session.
end_at datetime YES NULL End date for the session.
url varchar(255) YES NULL URL to get more info.
files varchar(255) YES NULL Downloadable file provided by the training creator.


This table stores the relationship between a training session and skills, both in terms of required skills to register to the training and in terms of skills to be acquired as a result of following the training.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
training_session_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
skill_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
is_required tinyint(1) NO 0 1 if this skill is required to enter the training session. 0 otherwise.
is_to_acquire tinyint(1) NO 0 1 if this skill will be acquired through the training session. 0 otherwise.


This stable stores the relationship between a training and skills, both in terms of required skills to register to the training and in terms of skills to be acquired as a result of following the training.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
training_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
skill_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
is_required tinyint(1) NO 0 1 if this skill is required to enter the training. 0 otherwise.
is_to_acquire tinyint(1) NO 0 1 if this skill will be acquired through the training session. 0 otherwise.


Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL Internal ID.
lastname varchar(255) YES NULL User's lastname.
firstname varchar(255) YES MUL NULL User's firstname.
username varchar(100) YES UNI NULL User's login name.
email varchar(100) NO UNI NULL User's e-mail.
api_token varchar(100) YES UNI NULL API token.
created_at datetime YES current_timestamp() Timestamp.
updated_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
token_created_at datetime NO NULL Timestamp.
roles longtext NO NULL String representing a serialized array of roles. e.g. a:1:{i:0;s:16:"ROLE_INSTITUTION";}
password varchar(255) NO NULL User's password.
homepage varchar(255) YES NULL User's homepage (only used for institutions)
date_of_birth datetime YES NULL Date of birth (year for final users, date for institutions)
address longtext YES NULL Address string (mostly just city and country, to calculate proximity).
completion int(10) unsigned NO 0 Profile completion indicator (%)
is_validated tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this account has been validated.
is_suspended tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this account has been suspended.
is_suspected tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this account has been marked as suspicious (likely SPAM account that should be suspended, but still waiting for confirmation).
is_searches_kept tinyint(1) NO 1 Whether we keep searches history for this user.
code int(10) unsigned YES NULL Code sent by e-mail to validate the account
code_created_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
is_listening_position tinyint(1) NO 1 Whether this user is open to job offers.
up_to_distance int(10) unsigned YES NULL Up to what distance (in km) this user is ready to drive/walk to work.
professional_experience INT(10) YES NULL
code INT(10) YES NULL
code_created_at DATETIME YES NULL


Records of a user's training activities (whether he/she followed specific training sessions and what score they give to those). Although the user follows a training session, the vote is on the training in general.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID.
training_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
user_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL NULL Link to
score int(10) unsigned NO 0 Score given by the user to this training.
created_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.
updated_at datetime YES NULL Timestamp.


Records of the user's work experience (which also gives us a look into their skills).

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID.
user_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL NULL Link to
occupation_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
is_current tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this is a current job.
is_previous tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this is a past job.
is_desired tinyint(1) NO 0 Whether this is a dream job.


History of users' searches for jobs or training sessions.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID.
user_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL NULL Link to
occupation_id int(11) YES MUL NULL Link to
skill_id int(11) YES MUL NULL Link to
created_at datetime YES current_timestamp() Timestamp.
count_results int(10) unsigned NO 0 Number of results obtained at this point for the search.
count_searches int(10) unsigned NO 0 Number of searches, so far, for the same skill or occupation search.
is_active tinyint(1) NO 1 Is the search still visible in the user's history


Record of skills associated with the user.

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
id int(11) NO PRI NULL Internal ID
user_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL NULL Link to
skill_id int(11) NO MUL NULL Link to
is_selected tinyint(1) NO NULL -


Record of training followed by the user in the past (helps to generate the list of skills).

Field Type Null Key Default Purpose
user_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL Link to
training_id int(11) NO PRI NULL Link to