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GRPC User management service

go.mod Go version



The service uses PostgreSQL to store its state


The service uses Kafka to produce events for other services

Kafka Topic Message Type
UserCreated UserCreated
UserUpdated UserUpdated

Project structure


Message and RPC definitions. To generate the go specific source code type:

make gen-proto


Output directory of gRPC and messages specific go source code.


Contains files to dockerize the application


GRPC Server that serves the user management API


HTTP Infra server exposes health check endpoints(readiness, liveness)


Kafka producer


Core application logic (config, services, repositories, models)


Utilities to used for integration tests with the help of docker api

Class Diagram

class userStorage {
    InsertUser(user models.User) (uuid.UUID, error)
    UpdateUser(userID uuid.UUID, user models.User) error
    DeleteUser(userID uuid.UUID) error
    GetUsersByFilter(opts models.GetUsersOptions) ([]models.User, error)
    GetUserByID(userID uuid.UUID) (models.User, error)
    ExistsByID(userID uuid.UUID) (bool, error)
class Repository {
    db *sql.DB
userStorage <.. Repository : Satisfies

class eventPublisher {
    Publish(topic string, key string, pbMessage proto.Message) error
class EventPublisher {
    client sarama.Client
eventPublisher <.. EventPublisher : Satisfies

class UserService{
    repo userStorage
    eventPublisher eventPublisher
Repository <|-- UserService : Uses
EventPublisher <|-- UserService : Uses

class userService {
    CreateUser(nu models.NewUser) (uuid.UUID, error)
    UpdateUser(userID uuid.UUID, uu models.UpdateUser) error
	DeleteUser(userID uuid.UUID) error
	GetUsers(qu models.GetUsersOptions) ([]models.User, error)

userService <.. UserService : Satisfies

class GRPC {
    svc userService

UserService <|-- GRPC : Uses

proto_UnimplementedUserServer <.. GRPC : Satisfies

class proto_UnimplementedUserServer {
    CreateUser(*CreateUserRequest) (*CreateUserResponse, error)
	UpdateUser(*UpdateUserRequest) (*UpdateUserResponse, error)
	DeleteUser(*DeleteUserRequest) (*DeleteUserResponse, error)
	QueryUsers(*QueryUsersRequest) (*QueryUsersResponse, error)


How to start, use and stop

To start the service type

make serve

To view logs of the service type

make logs

Usage examples:

Create user
$ grpcurl -d '{"email":"","first_name":"user1_name","last_name":"user1_lname","nickname":"user1_nkname","password":"secret","country":"GR"}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/CreateUser
  "userId": "166f7137-8884-42ab-90b2-1c2d77fc1037"
Listing all users (default page size = 10)
$ grpcurl -d '{}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/QueryUsers
  "users": [
      "id": "166f7137-8884-42ab-90b2-1c2d77fc1037",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "user1_name",
      "lastName": "user1_lname",
      "nickname": "user1_nkname",
      "country": "GR",
      "password": "$2a$10$LpgLzRcXkxU45Wwqgd.d9evdJ0wAV63LCFeLm.J78k2d1FBbnPNXG",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:54:06.419671Z"
      "id": "b3ce8fed-d5e8-4583-8783-b95969b5bc0c",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "user2_name",
      "lastName": "user2_lname",
      "nickname": "user2_nkname",
      "country": "GR",
      "password": "$2a$10$wNV.oRXIaAjPCbZp01zrf.KBwCq98AZZ1lEAEq/0VMEaEMlUSHiN6",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:54:34.134916Z"
      "id": "5631dc46-54a4-4f00-a296-faa248a98e8d",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "user3_name",
      "lastName": "user3_lname",
      "nickname": "user3_nkname",
      "country": "UK",
      "password": "$2a$10$KaIyJrMd3.o.KCSIQSV2MOdeIney1ejjdAcspFyLT3ysJwAraV.D.",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:54:58.116917Z"
Listing all users in UK
$ grpcurl -d '{"filter":{"country":"UK"}}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/QueryUsers 
  "users": [
      "id": "5631dc46-54a4-4f00-a296-faa248a98e8d",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "user3_name",
      "lastName": "user3_lname",
      "nickname": "user3_nkname",
      "country": "UK",
      "password": "$2a$10$KaIyJrMd3.o.KCSIQSV2MOdeIney1ejjdAcspFyLT3ysJwAraV.D.",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:54:58.116917Z"
Listing users in GR (1st page)
$ grpcurl -d '{"page_size":1, "page_number":1 ,"filter":{"country":"GR"}}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/QueryUsers
  "users": [
      "id": "166f7137-8884-42ab-90b2-1c2d77fc1037",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "user1_name",
      "lastName": "user1_lname",
      "nickname": "user1_nkname",
      "country": "GR",
      "password": "$2a$10$LpgLzRcXkxU45Wwqgd.d9evdJ0wAV63LCFeLm.J78k2d1FBbnPNXG",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:54:06.419671Z"
Listing users in GR (2nd page)
$ grpcurl -d '{"page_size":1, "page_number":2 ,"filter":{"country":"GR"}}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/QueryUsers
  "users": [
      "id": "b3ce8fed-d5e8-4583-8783-b95969b5bc0c",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "user2_name",
      "lastName": "user2_lname",
      "nickname": "user2_nkname",
      "country": "GR",
      "password": "$2a$10$wNV.oRXIaAjPCbZp01zrf.KBwCq98AZZ1lEAEq/0VMEaEMlUSHiN6",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:54:34.134916Z"
Delete user
$ grpcurl -d '{"user_id":"166f7137-8884-42ab-90b2-1c2d77fc1037"}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/DeleteUser
  "success": true
Update user
$ grpcurl -d '{"user_id":"b3ce8fed-d5e8-4583-8783-b95969b5bc0c", "fields":{"nickname":"batman"}}' -plaintext localhost:50000 services.user.User/UpdateUser
  "success": true

To stop the service type

make stop

Running tests

To run tests type

make test

To run tests with coverage report type

make report

then open the generated html file cover.html