This project aims to act as a template for React Native. This project configured with redux, redux saga and redux persist. Uses the latest version of react-navigation (v5).
This project also serves as a template for Wordpress + Woocommerce mobile app, which makes it more real-world project template!
- iOS
- Android
- React Hooks
- React Navigation with Authentication flow baked in.
- React Native Gesture Handler
- React Native Paper
- React Native Vector Icons
- Redux with hooks support
- Redux Saga
- Redux Persist
- Axios
- JSON Server
- Reselect
- Jest
- Eslint (Airbnb config)
- Node v10 (it is recommended to install it via NVM)
- Yarn
- A development machine set up for React Native by following these instructions
- Contains React Native App codebase/api
- Api module class. Each file will be feature based like ProductAPI, LoginAPI etc.../components
- Universal shared containers, components are stand-alone and decoupled./containers
- Project level containers, like widget associated with project scheme but in a higher level/config
- Project level styles, images, metrics, strings etc.../controllers
- This includes centralise error handling mechanism and other Project controllers/systems
- Project redux elements (actions and reducers), constants, types/screens
- Feature level containers that holds the entire screen or pageLogin
- Login Featureredux
- Redux state managing filesreducers
- Reducer associated with this feature [might be 0..* or 0..0]sagas
- Sagas related with this particular feature [might be 0..* or 1..*]selectors
- Selectors associated with the feature
- Containers associated with the feature that has theme or project scheme
- lib helper files/navigation
- All navigation related stuff including helpers functions and navigation stackNavigationService.js
- Service class for navigation - can be used without using propsApp.js
- Stack to define navigation. you can split things further if needed.
- Includes everything you need to set up store.reducers
- Combines all feature based reducerssagas
- Combines all feature based sagas
Clone this repo,
git clone <your project name>
Go to project's root directory,
cd <your project name>
folder,rm -rf .git
Use React Native Rename to update project name
$ npx react-native-rename <newName>
ornpm install
to install dependencies -
Start the packager with
npm start
Connect a mobile device to your development machine
Run the test application:
- On Android:
- Run
react-native run-android
- Run
- On iOS:
- Open
in Xcode - Hit
after selecting the desired device
- Open
- All set!!!, you are ready to go!
- Clone this repo,
git clone <your project name>
- Go to project's root directory,
cd <your project name>
- yarn install (remember to have Yarn to do this)
- yarn mock
- yarn run:ios:debug OR run:android:debug
- Then You Should be Set!!!
When you face issue with node_module try this steps into your terminal
- rm -rf node_modules
- npm install
If there is an issue with Base 64 and utf8 try
- npm install buffer
Unable to resolve module <module> from node_modules/ ****
: <module> could not be found within the project.
If you are sure the module exists, try these steps:
- Clear watchman watches: watchman watch-del-all
- Delete node_modules: rm -rf node_modules and run yarn install
- Reset Metro's cache: yarn start --reset-cache
- Remove the cache: rm -rf /tmp/metro-*
If icons not showing properly(only do once)
- react-native link react-native-vector-icons
To kill process
- sudo lsof -i :8081
- kill -9
Extra tool commands for gitif you want to push your local files to remote files
- git push -f <remote> <branch>
- git push -f origin master
- Use Axios for HTTP client
- Config a development environments
- iOS
- Android
- More Screen Flow
- Product List
- Product Detail
- Profile Detail With Editable Fields
- Cart and Item List
- Use JSON-Server for API mock
- Unit Tests
- Clean UI