Implemented Enhancements
✨ Business Check-In (#248)
🎨 Fixed alert alignment (#253)
🎨 Improved colors of searchbar buttons (#257)
🎨 Improved button color (#258)
🚸 Dont ask user for current password if they dont have one (#260)
🚸 Improved design of third party settings (#261)
🚸 Let users name their ICS tokens and show last access date (#262)
📝 Added translations (#254)
🌐 Added translations (#255)
Fixed Bugs
🐛 Removed table column with wrong and unnecessary data (#259)
🔥🐛 Removed duplicate lines (#264)
⬆️ Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (#252)
📝 Update README.md (#265)
🔨 PHPUnit coverage & Codacy-Coverage (#251)
🌐 Added Weblate instruction to README (#256)
📝 Added Badges to README (#263)
🔥 Removed code parts for debugging (#250)