Implementation of basic ‘bag of visual words’ model using two different approaches for feature descriptor extraction(SIFT Algorithm and Shape Context Matching) to identify and match company logos on scanned documents.
Used in image classification
adopted from NLP's Bag of words concept, where we count the number of times each word appears in a document and use this frequency to know keywords of the document and make a frequency histogram from it. The document is treated as a bag of words.
For BoVW, instead of words we use the features of the image. Image features are unique patterns that we can find in an image.
Image -> set of features -> consists of keypoints and descriptors. Keypoints and descriptors are used to construct vocabularies and represent each image as a frequency histoogram of features that are in the image. Frequency hitograms are the bag of visual words (BoVW).
Keypoints: standout points in an image, no matter whether the img rotated/shrunk/exapnded, keypoints will always be same Descriptors: description of the keypoints
Invariant to scale, rotation, illummination and viewpoint of image.
Constructing a scale space
generate seven octaves of original image, each octave's image size is half the previous one within an octave images arew progressively blurred using Gaussian Blur
LoG approximation (Laplace of Gaussian): used to blur images using Gaussian Blur
Finding the keypoints
maxima and minima of DoG image by comparing neighbourhood pixels in current scale, scale above and scale below
Get rid of bad keypoints
edges and low contrast regions use technique similar to Harris Corner Detector
Assign orientation to the keypoints to achieve rotation invariance. Assign orientation to each keypoint and do all calculations relative to that.
Generate sift features to uniquely identify features
Shape context is the feature descriptor used in object recognition
take points from contours of shape
translational invariance possible, complete rotational and scaling invariance also possible after modifications
Solve for correspondences between points on the 2 shapes (using shape contexts)
compute marching costs using Chi-squared distance, minimize total cost of matching such that matching is one to one
Use correspondences to estimate an aligning transform, using regularized thin plate splines
thin plate spline: physical analogy involving bending sheet of metal thin plate spline interpolation: minimize bend energy
Compute distance between 2 shapes