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API test : OpenWeatherMap (

  • Check the basic functionality of API, GET: By city name.
  • Currently one test is potentional bug

Tech stacks


Dev Setup nodejs and yarn

brew update
brew install node
git clone the repo
cd till test dir
npm install
npm start
  • Open localhost:3030 and verify the webpage is accessible
  • install yarn
  • install mocha chai and supertest-as-promised Use yarn to install mocha chai and supertest-as-promised globally with:
npm install

This will install two command line tools, mocha chai and supertest-as-promised. Try running mocha --version to make sure it's working. The Chai is a helper tool to for assertion of API response


APP_ID=f3a6a630b3259fd00e07ff09d222c32e CITYNAME=london ECITYNAME='' EAPP_ID='' npm_package_config_host= mocha weatherMapIntegrationTest.js


  • test - The tests will call functions from the API and Payload areas of the framework and be responsible for asserting responses.
  • API - HTTP requests are grouped based on the resource you are calling so if there are two resources called if the request changes it requires a single change to propagate through the framework.
  • Payloads - Payloads that are required for requests and responses are stored in this area. The idea is similar to the API area in that one class is responsible for one payload that may be called multiple times. Again, this means if the payload changes it requires a single change to propagate through the framework.
├── api
│   ├── common.js
│   └── openWeatherMapCity.js
├── package.json
├── payloads
│   ├── cityNamePayloads.js
│   └── commonPayloads.js
└── test
    └── weatherMapIntegrationTest.js

3 directories, 7 files


  • ErrorHandling: By city name passed as post method and it return response as 200 successful though it should return 405 []