This Django project that useful for the cyber security learners.
This is django based web application, Which has 2 modules and wide varity of functionality.
1. Fond end :- Html, CSS, JavaSctipt.
2. Backend :- Sqlite.
3. Middleware :- Djnago framework.
There are modules in this webiste
- Admin named as polls
- Cutsomer named as hackersite
General :
i. home page
ii. About page
iii. Contact us
iv. Login page
v. singnup page
vi. certification page
vii. Tools page
viii. Topics -
Admin :
i. admin-dashboard
ii. admin-instructor
iii. admin-view-customer
iv. admin-course
v. admin-question -
Customer :
i. customer-dashboard
ii. myprofile page
iii. apply-course
iv. history
v. price page
vi. ask-question
vii. question-history
viii. phone ( to get basic mobile details)
step 1:-Install Python(3.7.6) (Dont Forget to Tick Add to Path while installing Python)
step 2: - Open Terminal and Execute Following Commands :
--> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
step 3:- Download This Project Zip Folder and Extract it
step 4:- Move to project folder in Terminal. Then run following Commands :
--> py makemigrations
--> py migrate
--> py runserver
This project is developed for demo purpose and it's not supposed to be used in real application.