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This menu can be accessed with the command /trigger tschipcraft.menu
or /function #tschipcraft:menu
This menu can be accessed with the command /function dynamiclights:settings
or via the menu mentioned above.
Water Sensitivity Check: If enabled, some items will turn off while others turn on inside water.
- Sound Cues: If enabled, plays sounds when items turn on or off inside water. Also affects sound cues from Riptide and Channeling enchanted tridents.
- Rain Check: If enabled, touching rain counts as being inside water.
Enabling light emitting from enchanted items could lead to decreased performance of mob farms.
This data pack features a version checker which notifies you, if you are playing with an (to the data pack) unknown version. If the data pack works fine on a newer Minecraft version, and I'm just too lazy to update it in time, you can turn it off with the command /scoreboard players set $global tvc_ignore 1
This data pack implements the Smithed and essential MC Datapacks Discord Server Conventions to ensure data pack compatibility.
If you still however encounter an issue, feel free to open one here in GitHub.
Since this data pack uses the light block, the seen light is considered a placed light source by the game. This has some advantages and drawbacks:
- Some mobs will not spawn around dynamic lights (e.g. Zombies will not spawn around a torch item)
- Snow and Ice melts around dynamic lights
- Dynamic lights may block explosion damage to other blocks
- Light updates may cause block updates (e.g. Falling Sand/Gravel may be triggered)
- After uninstallation, some light blocks may remain in - at the time of uninstallation - unloaded chunks
Help, I've spotted a light block after uninstallation!
If you encounter stray light blocks after uninstallation (explained above), try running these three commands in order.execute as @e[type=minecraft:marker,tag=ts.dl.light] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:light[waterlogged=true] run fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:water replace light
execute as @e[type=minecraft:marker,tag=ts.dl.light] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:light[waterlogged=false] run fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air replace light
kill @e[type=minecraft:marker,tag=ts.dl.light]