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It's the Simplified Chinese help documentation of WebSpider. The English version is below.



WebSpider是一款基于requests BeautifulSoup4 re三个库的轻量化、便捷化python第三方库,WebSpider库提供了多种方法,以提供python在爬虫方面的简便和快捷。







WebSpider Alpha版是WebSpider研发的初步版本,所支持的功能非常有限(初期版本为初二时制作)。

版本号 制作日期 说明
WebSpider_Alpha220222 2022年2月22日 BV;这是WebSpider的第一个版本,自此萌发了开启WebSpider工程的想法
WebSpider_Alpha220314 2022年3月14日 IU;这是WebSpider第二个版本,静态页面基础功能已经较为完善,新增了多个函数和一个HtmlString类,用于根据其id,类名,快速查找,修复了WebSpider-Alpha220222版本中抓取页面部分同标签元素返回值错误的BUG,但在抓取动态页面上仍有所欠缺(注:不支持path标签)
WebSpider_Alpha220323 2022年3月23日 BV;这是WebSpider的第三个版本,将HtmlString更名为HtmlElement,以保证翻译的准确性,并且将HtmlElement对Html的支持更换为对Html数个元素与Html页面的支持,增加HtmlElement的一个函数,并更改WebSpider类的函数返回值为HtmlElement,向文件中添加了注释,修复了函数“is_connected”中的Bug。
WebSpider_Alpha220330 2022年3月30日 FML;这是WebSpider Alpha测试版本的最后一个版本,修复了上一个版本的一些BUG,接下来,WebSpider将会进入Beta测试版本

WebSpider Library Alpha Version Description Document(English)

I'm a chinese student of Grade Eight, and my English isn't very well, so the help documentation of WebSpider is translated by translation software. Please understand.


WebSpider is a lightweight and convenient third-party Python Library Based on requests BeautifulSoup4 re. TheWebSpider library provides a variety of methods to provide python with simplicity and quickness in terms of crawlers.

History update record

Among the following historical versions, those labeled with BV or BugVersion are unstable versions of WebSpider, which may crash during use. Please use them with caution.

The IU or InternalUse labels in the following historical versions are the internal versions of WebSpider, which will not be released to the public, but this version does exist.

In the following historical versions, the missing version of WebSpider with the label of HL or HaveLost is the version lost due to improper management and other reasons, but this version does exist in history.

Among the following historical versions, the official version of WebSpider (the recommended version under the large version number) with the label of FML or formal has been confirmed to be free of bugs and can be used safely.

Webspider Library Alpha version update record

The Alpha version of WebSpider is a preliminary version developed by 'webspider', which supports very limited functions (the initial version is made in the second day of junior high school).

Version number production date description
WebSpider_Alpha220222 February 22, 2022 BV; This is the first version of WebSpider, and the idea of starting the WebSpider project has sprouted since then
WebSpider_Alpha220314 March 14, 2022 IU; This is the second version of WebSpider. The basic functions of static pages have been improved. Several functions and a HtmlString class have been added to quickly find and fix the bug in the version of WebSpider_Alpha220222 that grabs the wrong return value of the same tag element in the page part according to its ID and class name. However, there are still some deficiencies in grabbing dynamic pages (Note: the path tag is not supported)
WebSpider_Alpha220323 March 23, 2022 this is the third version of WebSpider. Change the name of HtmlString to HtmlElement to ensure the accuracy of translation, and replace the support of HtmlElement for HTML with the support of several HTML elements and HTML pages . Add a function of HtmlElement,and change the return value of the function of the WebSpider class to HtmlElement, added comments to the file, fixed bug in function "is_connected".
WebSpider_Alpha220330 March 30, 2022 FML;This is the last version of WebSpider Alpha, I fixed some BUGs of the previous version. Next, the WebSpider will go into Beta version.