Practicing Javascript
- Takes N value as input from user.
- Displays number of valid positions of placing queens in an NxN chessboard.
- Valid positions are stored in "queenPositions".
- loaderFunction contains the main functionality of the program.It executes
when all the elements of the HTML page is loaded. - createKey takes an integer and an array of integers and creates a unique by concatenating the elements provided.Returns this string.
- isValidPosition position takes a current position ( via curX , curY ) and a list of previous positions as an array of integers.It calculates if the current position is valid for placing a queen.All previous positions consists of ( i , previousPositions[i] ) pair.
- generatePositions is a recursive function that takes an integer ( current row ) and a list of all previous positions.Its depth is N.At each step, the function iterates through all the valid column positions for current row,saves it and calls itself for next row.