Launch Picotron by Lexaloffle at the correct screen resolution on the Chuwi Minibook X, then switch back to the original resolution upon exit.
Picotron is the last fantasy Fantasy Workstation created by Lexaloffle, running at a native resolution of 480x270. The Chuwi Minibook X is a compact 10.51-inch laptop featuring a full-size keyboard and a native resolution of 1440x900. Picobook aims to facilitate launching Picotron at the optimal resolution on the Chuwi Minibook X, then reverting to the original resolution upon exit.
Simply use w64devkit by skeeto: g++ -O3 -std=c++17 -o picobook.exe picobook.cpp -lstdc++fs
How to
Put picobook.exe in your picotron folder, next to picotron.exe, and launch it!