for using BigQuery API for GDELT database you need to specify account Google Cloud credentials. Firstly create project. Just enter a project name (e.g. "GDELT"), and set location as "No organization".
Then use this page
to create a new credentials for project.
Choose as "Service account" choose "New service account".
Fill "Service account name" by any name you want. As role select "BigQuery" -> "Big Query User".
Choose JSON key type. Finally download key file by "Create" button.
Rename file as google_cloud_credentials.json
and place it to GDELT/resources/google_cloud_credentials.json
To use tis app you must have python 3. To install dependencies:
pip3 install django plotly-express google-cloud-bigquery folium mapboxgl chart_studio ipython
Run from main directory of project:
python runserver
To use virtual environment:
/venv/bin/python runserver
If you want to use your own mapbox account, you need to place
you access token to GDELT/resources/mapbox_tocken
To create a new token go to this page.