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JSON Output

wiztigers edited this page Feb 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Proposal of JSON dump to be produced by our paser, feel free to comment! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)

    "Files": [
            "Sample": "path/to/sample.cbl",       // (string) path to COBOL sample file
            "Result": "path/to/result.txt",       // (string) path to expected result file
            "CodeElements": [           // list of CodeElements parsed in sample file
                {                                            // CodeElement
                    "Type": "IfStatement",                   // (string) CodeElement class name
                    "FirstTokenLineIndexInMainDocument": 42, // (int >0) line of the CodeElement 1st token
                    "LastTokenLineIndexInMainDocument": 44,  // (int >0) line of the CodeElement last token
                    "ConsumedTokens": [ // list of Tokens (ie. "words") composing this CodeElements
                        {                   // first token
                            "Type": "IF",   // (string) reserved words are their own type
                            "Text": "IF",   // (string) words composing the Token
                            "Line": 42,     // (int >0) on which line is the Token
                            "Column": 1,    // (int >0) starting character of the Token as long as of the CodeElement
                            "EndColumn": 2, // (int >0) last character
                            "UsesVirtualSpaceAtEndOfLine": false // (boolean) used for line continuations
                        // ... other tokens ...
                        {                   // last token
                            "Type": "UserDefinedWord", // all that is not a reserved word / literal / identifier
                            "Text": "toto",
                            "Line": 44,     // a CodeElement can be across multiple lines (first was on line 42)
                            "Column": 3,
                            "EndColumn": 7,
                            "UsesVirtualSpaceAtEndOfLine": false // this is true for some Tokens of multiline CodeElements
                    "Diagnostics": [
                            "ColumnStart": 4, // (int >0) character where the red waves underlining should begin
                            "ColumnEnd": 15,  // (int >0) character where the red waves underlining should end
                            "Message": "<description of the problem>", // (string) error message -english only for now
                            "Code": 28, // (int) error code
                            "Severity": "error", // "error" | "warning" | "info"
                            "Category": "Syntax" // "TextFormat" | "Tokens" | "Directives" | "Syntax" | "Semantics"
                            "OffendingSymbol": {
                                // this is one of the Tokens of the "ConsumedTokens" list
                            "RuleStack": "rules>used>to>try>to>reduce>this>set>of>symbols"
            // 'legacy' diagnostics can be linked to the whole document instead of a specific Token ;
            // in this case, you could use the Diagnostic's "OffendingSymbol" to locate the error.
            // Not an ideal solution, I know   ⊙︿⊙
            // We'll get rid of this "document wide" diagnostics ... someday
            "Diagnostics": [] 
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