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Yarilo is an offensive security tool and packet sniffer designed for capturing and decrypting encrypted wireless network traffic. This project can analyze and interpret packets on WPA2-protected networks with support for more coming soon. It can aid in network security assessments and understanding of wireless communication protocols.


  • Capturing and decrypting data from nearby networks
  • Transferring data to/from pcap
  • Replay attacks (deauth)
  • Efficient channel hopping
  • Brute-forcing passwords (work in progress)

The project consists of two components:

  • Sniffer - packet capturing backend written in C++
  • Web Client - controlling the sniffer and viewing data (moving to sveltekit soon)


Let's talk about running the release version of Yarilo, we strongly encourage running the sniffer through docker because of the issues that arise while compiling grpc by hand (it takes a lot of time on smaller devices).


You can use typicalam/yarilo:latest as the base docker image. This project has two modes - file mode and interface mode. File mode runs the sniffer and analyzer on file recordings to decrypt existing data. Interface mode allows Yarlilo to take in a NIC (network interface card) and use that to sniff out network traffic captured by the card. You can also provide it a directory (shared volume) to be able to save the decrypted data. An example deployment docker compose file achieving is available at docker-compose.yml. To run it execute the following command in the repo root:

docker compose up -d

or if you on a host that does not support host networking (MacOS, Windows) you can run:

docker network create yarilo-net
docker run --rm -d --net yarilo-net -p 8080:8080 -e "YARILO_ADDRESS=yarilo" typicalam/yarilo-envoy:latest
docker run --rm -it --name yarilo --net yarilo-net -v /tmp/saves:/app/saves -v ./pcap:/tmp/pcap -p 9090:9090 typicalam/yarilo:latest --oid_file=/app/data/oid.txt --save_path=/app/saves --db_file=/app/saves/yarilo_database.db --sniff_file=/tmp/pcap/wireshark_sample.pcap


What about running this thing locally?


Run in the backend directory ($MY_GRPC_INSTALL_DIR should be your grpc install dir):

Prepare definitions:

protoc -I ../protos --cpp_out=src/proto --grpc_out=src/proto --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` ../protos/service.proto

Compile and run:

ninja -C build
./build/yarilo --help

C++ reference documentation is built alongside the project if -DYARILO_BUILD_DOCS=ON is specified (requires doxygen). Open the build/doc_doxygen/html/index.html file in a browser to view. Optionally, for protobuf definitons to also be included in the docs, run the following before building (requires go):

go install
protoc -I../protos --doc_opt=markdown, --doc_out=docs ../protos/service.proto


To run the client, enter the frontend directory and run:

npm install
npm run dev

If your sniffer isn't running in docker you should also run envoy like so: envoy -c envoy/envoy.yaml.


Copyright (C) 2025 Adam Piaseczny, Aleksander Kwiaśnioch, Jakub Wolniak, Igor Szczepaniak

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see