Android project used as introduction to design patterns in Android, as part of the elective course "CPSC-3367 Mobile Apps Development" from UA Little Rock
Simple app used to illustrate the use of MVC, MVP, and MVVM architectures to create a proper software design for an Android application.
- 1-starter-code. It provides a start point just for learning purposes. It includes several TODO comments to guide the development of the changes required to create the code in branch 2-mvc-pattern.
- 2-mvc-pattern. It provides an example of how to use Model View Controller pattern to model the UI / Model Interaction.
- 3-mvp-pattern. It provides an example of how to use Model View Presenter pattern to model the same business logic defined in branch 2-mvc-pattern.
- 4-mvvm-pattern. It provides an example of how to use Model View ViewModel pattern (based on View Databinding) to model the same business logic defined in branch 2-mvc-pattern.