Installable package that produces a paradigm for a given word, given a pointer to paradigm layouts and FST file. Originally built for itwêwina.
Latest version of the package posted to PyPi: paradigm-panes 0.2.1
import paradigm_panes
pg = paradigm_panes.PaneGenerator()
lemma = "amisk"
p_type = "NA"
pg.generate_pane(lemma, p_type)
specifies a location of a directory with paradigm layouts that are relevant for current paradigm generation. -
specifies FST file location with layout translation that are relevant for current paradigm generation. -
specifies template rendering type.
Available tag styles:
- "Plus"
- "Bracket"
The generator must specify both location before generating a paradigm.
Size is optional to paradigm generation; by default a base size (or first available) will be used.