The Care Quality Dashboard is an online platform for clinicians in NHS Wales to measure themselves against the Welsh Government's Health and Care Standards.
The aim is to encourage open conversations through the use of regular online self-reports answering short questions (mostly Likert-scale based) relating to each of the 7 Standards.
This repository contains the entire source code for the project, which is currently deployed on a Linode VPS through Docker.
This project was built as part of the UCL Industry Exchange Network (IXN) in the academic year 2020-2021 by Shubham Jain, Mateusz Zielinski and Matthieu Schulz.
The project's comprehensive Development Blog can be found here for details on design decisions and weekly progress updates for the duration of the project.
The project's report website can be found here with an overview of the project and it's details.
The project's user manual can be found here.
See also
for further information on the system architecture and deployment procedures.
Prettier and ESLint enforce code style for this project. There is a pre-commit hook to auto-format code.
This is a Next.js app:
- frontend pages belong in
- React components belong in subfolders in
and should be re-exported in./components/index.js
- all components are documented through Docz, and are in the form of a
file in their respective folder - all components are unit-tested through Enzyme, and are in the form of a
file in their respective folder - components have CSS module files for their styling (if applicable), and are in the form of a
file in their respective folder
- all components are documented through Docz, and are in the form of a
- backend API routes belong in
- all backend API routes are documented inline using JSDoc with YAML OpenAPI syntax
- static files belong in
- project-specific and shared library files belong in
- backend API integration tests belong in
- platform end-to-end tests belong in
A System Architecture diagram is below:
See for more details on the architecture.
The following tree shows the main files and folders in the repository, and their use:
├── .github/ # GitHub-specific files, e.g. GitHub Actions Workflows for Continuous Integration/Deployment
├── .vscode/ # Visual Studio Code common configuration for development
├── components/ # React components for the web-app front-end, along with their tests and documentation
│ ├── Accordion/
│ ├── AlertDialog/
│ ├── ...
├── docs/ # Documentation specific files for this GitHub repository (e.g. images included in the README)
├── keycloak/ # Configuration files for the Keycloak Docker Container
├── lib/ # Project-specific helper/constant/etc. files
├── pages/ # Next.js page routes. Each file corresponds to a public URL path
│ └── api/ # Next.js API routes. Each folder/file corresponds to a public API endpoint
│ ├── auth/
│ └── questions/
│ └── ...
├── prisma/ # Prisma (ORM) schema and helper files
└── public/ # Static assets for use in the web-app front-end
└── test/ # End-to-end and API integration tests for the platform
└── .babelrc # Babel JS Compiler project configuration
└── .env.example # Example .env enviroment file (a .env file is required for development/deployment)
└── .env.test # .env enviroment file required for tests
└── .eslintrc.json # Project ESLint configuration for enforced code style
└── .prettierrc # Project Prettier configuration for enforced code style
└── *.md # Documentation files for this GitHub repository
└── Caddyfile # Caddy server configuration for production web-app
└── docker-compose*.yml # Docker Compose configurations for various enviroments
└── Dockerfile # Web-app Dockerfile
└── doczrc.js # Docz (frontend documentation) configuration file
└── gatsby-node.js # Docz (frontend documentation) Gatsby configuration file
└── jest*.js # Jest (test-runner) configurations for various tests
└── next.config.js # Configuration file for this Next.js app
└── openapi-generator.js # Configuration file for openapi-generator (to generate OpenAPI specification for backend REST API)
└── package.json # Node.js package configuration for platform
└── # Helper bash script to set up databases in Docker Container
└── schema.sql # SQL Schema file for project database
Please ensure you have Node.js, Docker, Docker Compose, and npm installed on your machine before proceeding with development.
You will need to configure some secrets/configuration settings: place a .env
file in the project root, based off the .env.example
file, replacing the relevant placeholders with an appropriate value. For passwords, you could just use something like dev
if running locally.
To run tests, you will also need to update the .env.test
file with passwords you configured in .env
(e.g. your PostgreSQL and Keycloak passwords).
At the moment, you also need a secret Realm file for Keycloak. Get the care_quality_dashboard_realm.json
secret file from Shubham, and place this into a folder called keycloak
in your project root (i.e. ./keycloak/care_quality_dashboard_realm/json
- Clone this repository to your machine (see the GitHub docs for more information)
- Run
npm install
to install all the Node.js dependencies - Run
npx prisma generate
to generate the Prisma client - Run
docker-compose up [-d]
to start the Keycloak and PostgreSQL Docker containers locally (-d
optionally runs the containers in detached mode, i.e. in the background) - Run
npm run dev
to start the web-app in development mode onlocalhost:3000
-- hot reloading is enabled by default - Run
npm run build
to build the project followed bynpm run start
to run the built project (this is generally only needed in production/deployment)
If you're running this project for the first time, or have reset your database, you will need to seed it with some initial data:
- Run
node prisma/seed.js
from the root project directory.
Now your database should be running with some initial data!
You might also want to seed some dummy responses for the new user (note: this must be done after you have created users -- see the next section):
Ensure you have logged in as the user you want to seed the responses for on your local server (i.e. at localhost:3000). This is needed so that the User ID is added to our database, which only happens on the first login. You'll get an error about no matching parent ID for nested inserts if you don't do this first!
node prisma/seedResponses.js USER_ID
, replacingUSER_ID
with the new user's ID, which you can copy from Keycloak.
Now your database should have some initial fake data for the given user!
To create users (e.g. to make some test users to play around with locally), use the Keycloak web interface:
Go to http://localhost:8080 and login to the administrative console
and the password you set in your.env
file as the login details -
On the left hand side, find
Add a new user and set an email
Once you add the user, go back to the user and edit the "Role Mappings": add clinician/department/etc to it
Also, set a password under "Credentials" (make sure it's NOT temporary)
(optional) Add a
(for clincians/department managers),hospital_id
(for hospital users), orhealth_board_id
(for health board users) to their "attributes", matching the ID of their corresponding department/hospital/health board
We use Prisma as an ORM to interact with a PostgreSQL database.
The SQL Schema can be found in schema.sql
Make sure you have a .env
file in the project root with a DATABASE_URL
variable set to the PostgreSQL connection URL for your local database (running in Docker).
If you've made a change to the database schema.sql
, you'll need to 'pull' the PostgreSQL database schema and generate a new Prisma Schema (note in earlier version of Prisma, this command was called prisma introspect
-- they are the same thing!):
npx prisma db pull
This should update the ./prisma/schema.prisma
file, based on the SQL database schema.
You should then run the database migrations, using Prisma Migrate:
npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature
This will ask you to name the migration, so give it a short but concise name using snake_case
Finally, to generate the Prisma Client, for use in our code, run:
npx prisma generate
This will generate the database-specific Prisma Client into ./node_modules/.prisma
Note: if you're pulling migrations made by another developer, you can just run:
npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature
to apply the migrations on your local database!
See the Prisma docs for more detailed information and the API reference.
This project uses Jest as the test framework for all tests.
There are currently 3 types of test suites:
- Frontend Component Unit Tests
- Backend REST API Integration Tests
- Entire System End-to-End (E2E) Tests (and Compatibility Testing)
These are described below in more detail.
These tests use Enzyme to test individual components in the ./components
folder. Each test should be as small as possible, and should check that the components mount, and perform as required.
Some components will use the API, so this isn't tested in these tests.
These tests should be added within each component's directory, in the format ComponentName.test.js
. See any of the existing tests in the components
folder for examples.
See the GitHub Actions CI workflow for running these tests: ./.github/workflows/test-frontend.yml
To perform these tests, run npm run test:frontend
These tests use a custom Jest Test enviroment found at ./test/api/api-test.environment.js
to test each REST API endpoint from the ./pages/api
The custom Jest Test environment performs essential setup tasks (destroying and recreating the database schema, seeding initial basic data to it), and teardown tasks (destroying the database schema), so that each test suite (file) runs in it's own environment, meaning the database data is 'fresh' each time.
These tests should be checking that the integration all the way from the network-level to the database-level is working correctly, so will probably use Prisma in the tests to ensure the database is being modified correctly.
Each test file should correspond to a Next.js API Route file in that directory, and should be added to the ./test/api
directory, in the format endpoint_file_name.test.js
. See any of the existing tests in the test/api
folder for examples.
Note that there are some helper functions defined in ./test/api/helpers.js
to allow for e.g. simple session mocking, which is required in most tests. To mock a session, import the helpers
file and call e.g. helpers.mockSessionWithUserType(Roles.USER_TYPE_ADMIN);
in a test. You'll need to use the Roles
constant exported from ./lib/constants.js
See the GitHub Actions CI workflow for running these tests: ./.github/workflows/test-backend.yml
To perform these tests, run npm run test:backend
These tests also use a custom Jest Test environment found at ./test/end-to-end/e2e-test.environment.js
to test the entire platform as a whole, using a headless browser.
The custom Jest Test enviroment performs essential setup tasks (destroying and recreating the database schema, starting a local server, seeding inital basic data to it, recreating the Keycloak realm, creating initial Keycloak users, spawning a headless browser instance) and teardown tasks (destroying the database schema and Keycloak realm, killing the browser instance), so that each test suite (file) runs it's own enviroment, meaning the database and Keycloak data is 'fresh' each time.
These tests should be checking for each specific feature of the platform, with each test file devoted to testing a specific feature/task (e.g. performing a self-report). They should use Puppeteer, a Headless Chrome Node.js API, which also has experimental support for programatically controlling Firefox.
Each test file should be added to the ./test/end-to-end
directory, in the format featureName.test.js
. See any of the existing tests in the test/end-to-end
folder for examples.
Note that many of these tests use expect-puppeteer
to provide helper functions that ease the testing experience for developers.
The GitHub Actions CI has the following 2 workflows configured to automatically test the suite on Chrome and Firefox, to provide a form of Compatibility Testing, as these are the two most common desktop browsers:
-- to test on Chrome./.github/workflows/test-end-to-end-firefox.yml
-- to test on Firefox
To perform these tests, run npm run test:e2e
. The Next.js site will be automatically built for production before running this command.