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Exim4 Puppet Module

Puppet Forge License Supported Platforms Documentation Status

Configure and manage exim4

  Copyright (c) 2020 ULHPC Team <>

| Project Page | Sources | Documentation | Issues |


Configure and manage exim4.

This module implements the following elements:

  • Puppet classes:

    • exim4: main class
    • exim4::common
    • exim4::debian: specific implementation under Debian
    • exim4::redhat: specific implementation under Redhat-like system
    • exim4::params: class parameters
  • Puppet definitions:

All these components are configured through a set of variables you will find in manifests/params.pp.

Note: the various operations that can be conducted from this repository are piloted from a Rakefile and assumes you have a running Ruby installation. See docs/ for more details on the steps you shall follow to have this Rakefile working properly.


See metadata.json. In particular, this module depends on

Overview and Usage

Class exim4

This is the main class defined in this module. It accepts the following parameters:

  • $ensure: default to 'present', can be 'absent'

Use it as follows:

 include ' exim4'

See also tests/init.pp

Class exim4::debian

See tests/debian.pp

Class exim4::redhat

See tests/redhat.pp

Librarian-Puppet / R10K Setup

You can of course configure the exim4 module in your Puppetfile to make it available with Librarian puppet or r10k by adding the following entry:

 # Modules from the Puppet Forge
 mod "ULHPC-exim4"

or, if you prefer to work on the git version:

 mod "ulhpc-exim4",
     :git => '',
     :ref => 'production'

Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the ulhpc-exim4 Puppet Module Tracker.

Developments / Contributing to the code

If you want to contribute to the code, you shall be aware of the way this module is organized. These elements are detailed on docs/

You are more than welcome to contribute to its development by sending a pull request.

Puppet modules tests within a Vagrant box

The best way to test this module in a non-intrusive way is to rely on Vagrant. The Vagrantfile at the root of the repository pilot the provisioning various vagrant boxes available on Vagrant cloud you can use to test this module.

See docs/ for more details.

Online Documentation

Read the Docs aka RTFD hosts documentation for the open source community and the ULHPC-exim4 puppet module has its documentation (see the docs/ directly) hosted on readthedocs.

See docs/ for more details.


This project and the sources proposed within this repository are released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 licence.
