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           Copyright (c) 2013-2021 UL HPC Team <>

This repository holds a set of tutorials to help the users of the UL HPC platform to better understand or simply use our platform.

  • Reference online version
  • The list of the proposed tutorials is continuously evolving and are used on a regular basis during the UL HPC School we organise at the University of Luxembourg.
    • You can find the up-to-date list of tutorials on this page

Installation / Repository Setup

First of all, ensure you have installed the Pre-requisites / Preliminary software and followed the corresponding configuration instructions.

Then reference instructions for setting up your working copy of this repository can be found in docs/setup/

In short:

$> mkdir -p ~/git/
$> cd ~/git/
$> git clone
$> cd tutorials
$> make setup

Tutorial Slides and Instructions

The latest version of all the proposed tutorials is available online:

For each tutorial, a PDF copy of the slides are provided (as slides.pdf in the corresponding sub-directories).

A List of the proposed tutorials is summarized in docs/

List of contributors

See docs/

In the advent where you want to contribute yourself to these tutorials, do not hesitate! See below for instructions.

Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the ULHPC/tutorials Tracker.

Developments / Contributing to the code

If you want to contribute to the code, you shall be aware of the way this repository is organized. These elements are detailed in docs/

You are more than welcome to contribute to its development by sending a pull request.

Online Documentation

Read the Docs aka RTFD hosts documentation for the open source community and the ULHPC/sysadmins has its documentation (see the docs/ directly) hosted on readthedocs.

See docs/ for more details.


Unless otherwise specified, this project and the sources proposed within this repository are released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 licence.
