This tool is created to transform JavaScript based on definitions written in a custom DSL called JSTQL
This is a DSL created to define proposal transformations using templates. A transformation is defined by two templates, a template of what code snippets to search for applicable to and a template of how to transform those snippets transform to.
Examples of definitions for proposals can be found in dsl_files
This project exposes an api in the file transform/transfrom.ts, which is meant to be used as this library's entry point.
To run this code as a standalone project, a file index.ts exists to facilitate running this project.
This project is created using TypeScript, and it is recommended to use Bun to compile and run it.
Firstly, building langium is required, this is done by the following:
# cd into JSTQL
# Install dependencies
npm i
# Build langium generated files
npm run langium:generate
# Build final JS source
npm run build
Now we are ready to run this project with the pipeline on a test JS file:
# cd into top level
cd ..
# Install dependencies
bun i
# Run an example transformation
bun run index.ts dsl_files/pipeline.jstql test_files/test.js
- First positional is path to JSTQL
- Second positional is path to JS file to transform
- -o is optional output path, if not given path is ./out.js