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The goal of BuzzardsBay (R package) is to process and analyze data for the Continuous Oxygen Monitoring in Buzzards Bay (COMBB) project.


You can install or update BuzzardsBay from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The primary function is qc_deployment() it reads in calibrated data for a deployment and generates files containing merged and flagged copies of the data, and an html report with plots of the data.

qc_deployment() and the BuzzardsBay package in general assume a specific file structure and naming convention.

In particular:

  • All the data associated with a deployment should be stored in a deployment directory with a path /BB_Data/<year>/<site>/<year>-<month>-<day>/ e.g.
  • The path to base directory and it’s name ("BB_Data" in example) can be any valid path.
  • Within the deployment directory there should be a “Calibrated/” sub-directory with the calibrated HOBOware output (ending in .csv and Details.txt) for both dissolved oxygen and conductivity/salinity. The dissolved oxygen files should have DO_ in their name and the salinity files should have Cond_, Con_ or Sal_ in their name.

Once that’s in place we can process the calibrated data in the deployment and generate the html report with the code below.

deployment_dir <- ""  # Provide full path here. Don't include `Calibration/`

Running on example data

Create an example data folder structure and deployment with setup_example_dir(). If you specify a path with the parent_dir argument the example will be created there. Otherwise, as in the example below, it creates the example files within the location specified by tempdir().

paths <- setup_example_dir()  

With that in place we can then call qc_deployment() on the example deployment stored in paths$deployment which will also be where the output files are created.

a <- qc_deployment(paths$deployment)

The code above will only work once as qc_deployment() will throw an error if the output already exists. To run again create a fresh example directory with: setup_example_dir(delete_old = TRUE)


qc_deployment() writes two identical CSV files, a metadata file, and an HTML report to the deployment directory.

  • Auto_QC_<deployment>.csv is a permanent record of this state of the process and should not be edited.
  • Preliminary_QC_<deployment>.csv is for subsequent review and editing. Preliminary_ should be dropped from the name when review is complete.
  • Metadata_<deployment>.yml contains the metadata written as a YAML file.
  • QC_<deployment>_report.html contains plots and summary information about the deployment. It is a very large file so should be deleted after the QC is complete. It can be recreated later with make_deployment_report(deployment_dir) as long as the Auto QC and metadata files are present.

Tabular data

Here are a few lines of the data written to the two CSV files when using setup_example_dir().

Site Date Date_Time Gen_QC Flags Time Time_QC Temp_DOLog Temp_DOLog_QC Temp_CondLog Temp_CondLog_QC Raw_DO Raw_DO_QC DO DO_QC DO_Calibration_QC DO_Pct_Sat DO_Pct_Sat_QC Salinity Salinity_QC Sal_Calibration_QC High_Range High_Range_QC Spec_Cond Spec_Cond_QC Cal QA_Comment Field_Comment
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 17:50:00 17:50:00 21.32 22.29 7.33 6.33 84.8 29.2351 30864.7 45190.4
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 18:00:00 18:00:00 21.30 22.32 7.53 6.51 87.1 29.1925 30844.4 45131.4
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 18:10:00 18:10:00 21.36 22.38 7.66 6.62 88.7 29.1753 30867.3 45107.6
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 18:20:00 18:20:00 21.32 22.29 7.75 6.70 89.7 29.2189 30852.0 45168.0
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 18:30:00 18:30:00 21.32 22.32 7.70 6.65 89.1 29.2059 30859.7 45149.9
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 18:40:00 18:40:00 21.38 22.39 7.75 6.70 89.8 29.1873 30887.7 45124.3
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 18:50:00 18:50:00 21.42 22.46 7.82 6.76 90.6 29.1716 30918.3 45102.4
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 19:00:00 19:00:00 21.44 22.46 7.82 6.76 90.7 29.1868 30933.6 45123.5
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 19:10:00 19:10:00 21.40 22.42 7.71 6.66 89.3 29.1832 30905.5 45118.5
RB1 2023-06-02 2023-06-02 19:20:00 19:20:00 21.48 22.55 7.98 6.90 92.6 29.1648 30971.9 45093.0


This is the metadata derived from the example.

  • site: RB1
  • deployment: RB1_2023-06-09
  • deployment_date: 2023-06-09
  • calibration_start: 2023-06-02 11:10:00
  • calibration_end: 2023-06-09 12:40:00
  • pct_calibrated: 99.3171
  • n_records: 1018
  • pct_immediate_rejection: 0
  • pct_flagged_for_review: 3.54
  • logging_interval_min: 10
  • timezone: GMT-04:00
  • auto_qc_date: 2024-05-29
  • do_calibration:
    • start_do_conc: 7.37
    • start_temperature_c: 22
    • start_salinity_ppt: 28.47
    • start_meter_titration_value_mg_l: 6.41
    • start_salinity_correction: 0.8475
    • end_do_conc: 9.12
    • end_temperature_c: 18.1
    • end_meter_titration_value_mg_l: 7.62
    • start_ratio: 0.869742198100407
    • end_ratio: 0.835526315789474
  • do_deployment:
    • full_series_name: DO Adj Conc , mg/L
    • launch_name: BBC3_RB1_20659182
    • launch_time: 2023-06-01 14:16:43
    • calibration_date: 2023-05-16 17:04:40
    • calibration_gain: 1.07718
    • calibration_offset: -0.02045
  • do_device:
    • product: HOBO U26-001 Dissolved Oxygen
    • serial_number: 20659182
    • version_number: 1.08
    • header_created: 2012-03-02 14:19:05
  • cond_calibration:
    • start_cal_cond: 40768
    • start_cal_temp: 21.1
    • end_cal_cond: 39200
    • end_cal_temp: 17.8
  • cond_deployment:
    • full_series_name: Salinity, ppt
    • launch_name: BBC3_RB1_20636185
    • launch_time: 2023-06-01 14:41:47
  • cond_device:
    • product: HOBO U24-002 Conductivity
    • serial_number: 20636185
    • version_number: 1.52
    • header_created: 2019-06-10 08:05:37


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