⛔ [DEPRECATED] Active at https://github.com/UniversityOfNicosia/BLOC-522
This is a repository including the nessesary scripts and tutorials for:
- Deploy a private besu network
- Build a docker image with ganache and truffle suite
For #1 you need to clone this repository and CD in submodule quorum-dev-quickstart @ 49bf4a3
First, make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed as well as Nodejs (version >= 12). Installation guides are included in that directory.
Then, you run the command
npx quorum-dev-quickstart
After the succesfull geenration of the needed files you move into the newly created repository and you run
More details are given within the submodule's directory.
Here is a list of the APIs generated on the succesfull deployment of the Besu Private Network
JSON-RPC HTTP service endpoint : http://<HOST_IP>:8545
JSON-RPC WebSocket service endpoint : ws://<HOST_IP>:8546
Web block explorer address : http://<HOST_IP>:25000/
Prometheus address : http://<HOST_IP>:9090/graph
Grafana address : http://<HOST_IP>:3000/d/XE4V0WGZz/besu-overview?orgId=1&refresh=10s&from=now-30m&to=now&var-system=All
Currently, a deployment of a Besu private network is deployed on the Contabo VM with IP:
In the following picture it is depicted the integration of the network within Metamask
The following accounts are funded with ETH tokens derived from the pre-funded accounts of the besu client
• 0xC03E57b6acE9Dd62C84A095E11E494E3C8FD4D42 ( Panayiotis 15K ETH)
• 0xe8B098Dbf5210B24594868D593A9517A0a884CF8 (Klitos 100K ETH)
• 0x603a576235b75FdEcb49962a9516FdeDe09B7af5 (Evgenia 15k ETH)
• 0x8D50374B56150d56022e08251230b119E7B61D00 (Marios 50k ETH)