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Oct-20 2020
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BodoBookhagen committed Oct 20, 2020
1 parent 2c01467 commit f080a8c
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -81,3 +81,7 @@ Table: Comparison of fastest processing times (any leaf size) for all implemente
| pyKDTree | 36 | 16 | 20 | 16 | 28 | 26 | 32 |

Table: Best leaf sizes (fastest times). Note the differences for varying numbers of neighbors.

![Create and query cKDTree for three k neighbors and leaf sizes. Creating the cKDTree does not show large variability, but querying is mostly dependent on number of k neighbors. \label{Pozo_WestCanada_clg}](

![Create and query cKDTree for using 1 to 8 threads. Generating the cKDTree only slightly improves when increasing numbers of threads, but querying significantly improves for higher number threads. \label{Pozo_WestCanada_clg_jobs}](
162 changes: 159 additions & 3 deletions docs/
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "Comparing Python KD-Tree Implementations with Focus on Point Cloud Processing"
subtitle: What is the most effective way to process calculate KDTrees for lidar and SfM point clouds?
author: "Bodo Bookhagen, [](, Geological Remote Sensing, University of Potsdam"
date: "Oct-18-2020"
author: "Bodo Bookhagen []( and Aljoscha Rheinwalt [](, Geological Remote Sensing, University of Potsdam"
date: "Oct-20-2020"
footnotes-pretty: true
listings-disable-line-numbers: false
titlepage: true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ Table: Best leaf sizes (fastest times). Note the differences for varying numbers

![A nearly linear rise in time for increasing values in k-nearest neighbors (only shown for cKDTree, leaf size = 20). Higher number of cores result in faster processing time, most notably at higher number of ks. Processing times for lower k are faster for higher CPU speeds (3.9 GHz vs. 2.1 GHz). \label{pc_cKDTree_k5_to_k1000_vcores_leafsize20}](figs/pc_cKDTree_k5_to_k1000_vcores_leafsize20.png)

### cKDTree: Create and querying data - impact of number of points and threads
_cKDTree_ is among the fastest implentation of KDTree queries. First, we compare how _cKDTree_ various for varying number of points (Figure \ref{Pozo_WestCanada_clg}). We observe a nearly linear relation between logarithmic numbers of points and logarithmic time. In other words, increasing the number of points by a factor of ten nearly increases the query duration by a factor of 10.

![Create and query cKDTree for three k neighbors and leaf sizes. Creating the cKDTree does not show large variability, but querying is mostly dependent on number of k neighbors. \label{Pozo_WestCanada_clg}](figs/Pozo_WestCanada_clg.png)

In a next step, we vary the number of threads from 1 to 8 to illustrate the multi-threading potential of _cKDTree_ (Figure \ref{Pozo_WestCanada_clg_jobs}).

![Create and query cKDTree for using 1 to 8 threads. Generating the cKDTree only slightly improves when increasing numbers of threads, but querying significantly improves for higher number threads. \label{Pozo_WestCanada_clg_jobs}](figs/Pozo_WestCanada_clg_jobs.png)

### Comparing multi-core cKDTree and multi-core FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors) approaches

![Comparison of _cyFLANN_ and _cKDTree_. With higher number of cores, _cKDTree_ performs better than _cyFLANN_ for large number of neighbors. cyFLANN performs better for lower number of neighbors (small k) (a factor of 2 at k=500 neighbors with 40 cores). \label{pc_ckDTree_cyfFLANN_k5_to_k1000_vcores_leafsize20}](figs/pc_ckDTree_cyfFLANN_k5_to_k1000_vcores_leafsize20.png)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,4 +470,151 @@ Note that we also save the results to a pandas dataframe and the results of the

This is repeated for _pyKDTree_ (see Python code in github).

The generation of figures is outlined in [python/]() and
The generation of figures is outlined in [python/](

## Impact of number of points and number of threads
These codes are in [python/]( and [python/](
import sys
import numpy as np
import laspy as lp
from time import time
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kdtree
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
def load_las(fn):
with lp.file.File(fn) as fp:
pt = np.c_[fp.x, fp.y, fp.z]
return pt
def time_kdtree(pt, n, k, leafsize, n_jobs):
i = np.random.randint(pt.shape[0], size = n)
t0 = time()
tr = kdtree(pt[i], leafsize = leafsize)
t1 = time()
tr.query(pt[i], k = k, n_jobs = n_jobs)
t2 = time()
return (t1 - t0, t2 - t1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
fn = sys.argv[0][:-3] + '.las'
pt = load_las(fn)
nreps = 10
st = np.zeros((nreps, 2))
nr = np.logspace(3, np.log10(pt.shape[0]), 10).astype('int')
kr = [10, 50, 100]
lr = [8, 16, 32]
jr = [8,]
dt = np.zeros((len(nr), len(kr), len(lr), len(jr), 4))
for ni, n in enumerate(nr):
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
for ij, j in enumerate(jr):
for i in range(nreps):
s, t = time_kdtree(pt, n, k, l, j)
rs = (n, k, l, j, i, s, t)
print('n=%04d, k=%04d, leafsize=%2d, n_jobs=%02d, repeat=%i, t_create=%.4f, t_query=%.3f' % rs)
st[i, 0] = s
st[i, 1] = t
dt[ni, ki, li, ij, :] = (st[:,0].mean(), st[:,0].std(), st[:,1].mean(), st[:,1].std())
fg, ax = pl.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (19.2, 10.8))
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
for ij, j in enumerate(jr):
dtcm = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 0]
dtcs = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 1]
dtqm = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 2]
dtqs = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 3]
ax[0].loglog(nr, dtcm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i, n_jobs=%i' % (k, l, j))
ax[0].fill_between(nr, dtcm - dtcs, dtcm + dtcs, alpha = 0.2)
ax[1].loglog(nr, dtqm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i, n_jobs=%i' % (k, l, j))
ax[1].fill_between(nr, dtqm - dtqs, dtqm + dtqs, alpha = 0.2)
ax[0].set_xlabel('number of points')
ax[1].set_xlabel('number of points')
ax[0].set_ylabel('time [s]')
ax[1].set_ylabel('time [s]')
pl.savefig('%s.png' % sys.argv[0][:-3])
import sys
import numpy as np
import laspy as lp
from time import time
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kdtree
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
def load_las(fn):
with lp.file.File(fn) as fp:
pt = np.c_[fp.x, fp.y, fp.z]
return pt
def time_kdtree(pt, k, leafsize, n_jobs):
t0 = time()
tr = kdtree(pt, leafsize = leafsize)
t1 = time()
tr.query(pt, k = k, n_jobs = n_jobs)
t2 = time()
return (t1 - t0, t2 - t1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
fn = sys.argv[0][:-8] + '.las'
pt = load_las(fn)
nreps = 10
st = np.zeros((nreps, 2))
kr = [10, 50, 100]
lr = [4, 8, 16]
jr = [1, 2, 4, 8]
dt = np.zeros((len(kr), len(lr), len(jr), 4))
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
for ij, j in enumerate(jr):
for i in range(nreps):
s, t = time_kdtree(pt, k, l, j)
rs = (k, l, j, i, s, t)
print('k=%04d, leafsize=%2d, n_jobs=%02d, repeat=%i, t_create=%.4f, t_query=%.3f' % rs)
st[i, 0] = s
st[i, 1] = t
dt[ki, li, ij, :] = (st[:,0].mean(), st[:,0].std(), st[:,1].mean(), st[:,1].std())
fg, ax = pl.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (19.2, 10.8))
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
dtcm = dt[ki, li, :, 0]
dtcs = dt[ki, li, :, 1]
dtqm = dt[ki, li, :, 2]
dtqs = dt[ki, li, :, 3]
ax[0].plot(jr, dtcm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i' % (k, l))
ax[0].fill_between(jr, dtcm - dtcs, dtcm + dtcs, alpha = 0.2)
ax[1].plot(jr, dtqm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i' % (k, l))
ax[1].fill_between(jr, dtqm - dtqs, dtqm + dtqs, alpha = 0.2)
ax[0].set_xlabel('number of threads')
ax[1].set_xlabel('number of threads')
ax[0].set_ylabel('time [s]')
ax[1].set_ylabel('time [s]')
pl.savefig('%s.png' % sys.argv[0][:-3])
Binary file modified docs/Compare_KDTree_implementations.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/Compare_KDTree_implementations_lr.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docs/figs/Pozo_WestCanada_clg.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docs/figs/Pozo_WestCanada_clg.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added docs/figs/Pozo_WestCanada_clg_jobs.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docs/figs/Pozo_WestCanada_clg_jobs.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
import laspy as lp

from time import time
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kdtree
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl

def load_las(fn):
with lp.file.File(fn) as fp:
pt = np.c_[fp.x, fp.y, fp.z]

return pt

def time_kdtree(pt, n, k, leafsize, n_jobs):
i = np.random.randint(pt.shape[0], size = n)
t0 = time()
tr = kdtree(pt[i], leafsize = leafsize)
t1 = time()
tr.query(pt[i], k = k, n_jobs = n_jobs)
t2 = time()
return (t1 - t0, t2 - t1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
fn = sys.argv[0][:-3] + '.las'
pt = load_las(fn)

nreps = 10
st = np.zeros((nreps, 2))
nr = np.logspace(3, np.log10(pt.shape[0]), 10).astype('int')
kr = [10, 50, 100]
lr = [8, 16, 32]
jr = [8,]
dt = np.zeros((len(nr), len(kr), len(lr), len(jr), 4))
for ni, n in enumerate(nr):
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
for ij, j in enumerate(jr):
for i in range(nreps):
s, t = time_kdtree(pt, n, k, l, j)
rs = (n, k, l, j, i, s, t)
print('n=%04d, k=%04d, leafsize=%2d, n_jobs=%02d, repeat=%i, t_create=%.4f, t_query=%.3f' % rs)
st[i, 0] = s
st[i, 1] = t
dt[ni, ki, li, ij, :] = (st[:,0].mean(), st[:,0].std(), st[:,1].mean(), st[:,1].std())

fg, ax = pl.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (19.2, 10.8))
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
for ij, j in enumerate(jr):
dtcm = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 0]
dtcs = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 1]
dtqm = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 2]
dtqs = dt[:, ki, li, ij, 3]
ax[0].loglog(nr, dtcm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i, n_jobs=%i' % (k, l, j))
ax[0].fill_between(nr, dtcm - dtcs, dtcm + dtcs, alpha = 0.2)
ax[1].loglog(nr, dtqm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i, n_jobs=%i' % (k, l, j))
ax[1].fill_between(nr, dtqm - dtqs, dtqm + dtqs, alpha = 0.2)

ax[0].set_xlabel('number of points')
ax[1].set_xlabel('number of points')
ax[0].set_ylabel('time [s]')
ax[1].set_ylabel('time [s]')
pl.savefig('%s.png' % sys.argv[0][:-3])
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
import laspy as lp

from time import time
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kdtree
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl

def load_las(fn):
with lp.file.File(fn) as fp:
pt = np.c_[fp.x, fp.y, fp.z]

return pt

def time_kdtree(pt, k, leafsize, n_jobs):
t0 = time()
tr = kdtree(pt, leafsize = leafsize)
t1 = time()
tr.query(pt, k = k, n_jobs = n_jobs)
t2 = time()
return (t1 - t0, t2 - t1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
fn = sys.argv[0][:-8] + '.las'
pt = load_las(fn)

nreps = 10
st = np.zeros((nreps, 2))
kr = [10, 50, 100]
lr = [4, 8, 16]
jr = [1, 2, 4, 8]
dt = np.zeros((len(kr), len(lr), len(jr), 4))
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
for ij, j in enumerate(jr):
for i in range(nreps):
s, t = time_kdtree(pt, k, l, j)
rs = (k, l, j, i, s, t)
print('k=%04d, leafsize=%2d, n_jobs=%02d, repeat=%i, t_create=%.4f, t_query=%.3f' % rs)
st[i, 0] = s
st[i, 1] = t
dt[ki, li, ij, :] = (st[:,0].mean(), st[:,0].std(), st[:,1].mean(), st[:,1].std())

fg, ax = pl.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (19.2, 10.8))
for ki, k in enumerate(kr):
for li, l in enumerate(lr):
dtcm = dt[ki, li, :, 0]
dtcs = dt[ki, li, :, 1]
dtqm = dt[ki, li, :, 2]
dtqs = dt[ki, li, :, 3]
ax[0].plot(jr, dtcm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i' % (k, l))
ax[0].fill_between(jr, dtcm - dtcs, dtcm + dtcs, alpha = 0.2)
ax[1].plot(jr, dtqm, 'o-', mfc = 'none', label = 'k=%i, leafsize=%i' % (k, l))
ax[1].fill_between(jr, dtqm - dtqs, dtqm + dtqs, alpha = 0.2)

ax[0].set_xlabel('number of threads')
ax[1].set_xlabel('number of threads')
ax[0].set_ylabel('time [s]')
ax[1].set_ylabel('time [s]')
pl.savefig('%s.png' % sys.argv[0][:-3])

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