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Run Silhouette on QEMU

This repository contains and organizes code for people who want to try out Silhouette on a QEMU emulator (i.e., without a real ARM development board). For general information about the Silhouette project, please refer to the Silhouette repository. If you happen to have an STM32F469 Discovery board with you, you can also replicate our evaluation of Silhouette on this board in this repository.

Using Docker Image

We have set up a Docker image that contains a pre-compiled version of the Silhouette compiler, binaries of the libraries (i.e., Newlib and compiler-rt), and source code of programs to be built and run under Silhouette. The image is based on a minimal Ubuntu system on x86_64 and is provided so that one can skip building the Silhouette compiler and the libraries to save time. If you choose to run Silhouette using our Docker image, simply run

docker run -it --rm ursec/silhouette-qemu-demo

and a shell in a container will be spawned for you. You can then skip the setup phase and go directly to the build-and-run phase. This image also includes useful tools (such as arm-none-eabi-objdump) to examine generated binaries.

Everything from Scratch

Now we are building everything from scratch. Before we start, we list here a few assumptions and dependencies of the environment:

  • We assume the host machine is x86 and the host operating system is Linux. Combinations of other architectures and operating systems may work but were not tested.
  • We use CMake, Ninja, and Clang to build the LLVM-based Silhouette compiler, so cmake, ninja, and clang of appropriate versions must be found in PATH.
  • We use the Silhouette compiler to build Newlib and compiler-rt, so make sure that common development tools needed to build Newlib and compiler-rt for bare-metal ARM environments (such as arm-none-eabi-gcc and make) are there in PATH. In particular, one of our build scripts uses arm-none-eabi-gcc to find out where a bare-metal ARM libgcc is installed.
  • We use SCons to build programs, so make sure that scons of an appropriate version is there in PATH.
  • We use QEMU ARM emulator to run ELF binaries built for the Luminary Micro Stellaris LM3S6965EVB board, so qemu-system-arm of an appropriate version must be found in PATH.
  • We use GNU Screen for multiplexing the terminal screen with several processes (such as a program's standard I/O and QEMU's monitor console), so screen of an appropriate version must also be found in PATH.
  • We use GDB to debug ELF binaries and have debugging support included in one of our scripts. If you would like to use our script for debugging, make sure either gdb-multiarch or arm-none-eabi-gdb is there in PATH.

Again, our Docker image meets every assumption and has every dependency pre-installed. It is the recommended way to try out Silhouette on QEMU if you are using an x86_64 machine.

Following is the directory hierarchy of this repository:

|-- build                    # Directory for building LLVM, Newlib, and compiler-rt
|   |--        # Script to build LLVM
|   |--      # Script to build Newlib
|   |-- # Script to build compiler-rt
|-- llvm-project             # A submodule of URSec/Silhouette-Compiler containing
|                            # source code of LLVM and Silhouette passes
|-- newlib-cygwin            # A submodule of URSec/newlib-cygwin containing source
|                            # code of Newlib
|-- projects                 # Directory containing source code of programs
|   |-- beebs                # Source code of BEEBS benchmarks
|   |-- coremark             # Source code of CoreMark benchmark
|   |-- tests                # Source code of test programs
|--                  # Script to build, debug, and run programs
|--                # This README file

Set up the Evaluation Environment

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Build the Silhouette compiler.

    cd Silhouette-QEMU-Demo && ./build/

    Note that all our scripts ( and those in the build directory) are CWD-agnostic; each of them can be run from any working directory and would have the same outcome. After ./build/ finishes, the Silhouette compiler will be installed in build/llvm/install.

  3. Build Newlib and compiler-rt.

    ./build/ && ./build/

    Note that the above two scripts will build the libraries using two configurations:

    • Baseline: Compile without any of our passes, denoted as baseline;
    • Silhouette: Turn on the shadow stack, store hardening, and CFI passes, denoted as silhouette.

    After the two scripts finish, Newlib will be installed in build/newlib-baseline/install and build/newlib-silhouette/install and compiler-rt will be installed in build/compiler-rt-baseline/install and build/compiler-rt-silhouette/install.

Build, Debug, and Run Programs

We have a script that can compile, debug, and run two benchmark suites (BEEBS and CoreMark) and a few test programs we wrote to demonstrate Silhouette's protections (explained here). The script supports the following command-line argument format



  • ACTION can be build, debug, or run,
  • CONFIG is the name of a configuration (either baseline or silhouette, see above),
  • BENCH is the name of the benchmark/program suite (beebs, coremark, or tests), and
  • PROGRAM is the name of a program in the corresponding benchmark/program suite.

If no PROGRAM is specified, all the programs in the corresponding benchmark/program suite will be compiled/run. For example, running ./ build baseline beebs bs ns will compile two programs (named bs and ns, respectively) in BEEBS using the Baseline configuration (and link Newlib and compiler-rt of the Baseline configuration as well), and running ./ run silhouette tests will run all the test programs we wrote that were compiled using the Silhouette configuration.

For build, the generated binaries, as well as intermediate object files, will be placed in the projects/<BENCH>/build-<CONFIG> directory.

For run, the script will create a session of two vertically stacked windows in GNU Screen for running each of the specified binaries in QEMU, where the upper window connects to the standard I/O of the binary and the lower window connects to QEMU's monitor console. You can quit QEMU at any point by first switching the input focus to the lower window (Ctrl-A + Tab) and then typing quit/q; doing so will also terminate the GNU Screen session.

For debug, the script will create a debugging session of three windows in GNU Screen (again, for each of the specified binaries), where the two vertically stacked windows on the left side do the same thing as in run and the third window on the right side runs GDB. You can switch between the three windows by Ctrl-A + Tab. To quit the GNU Screen session, you now need to quit both QEMU and GDB.

What Do Test Programs Do

Our test program suite contains three test programs that characterize different memory safety and control-flow hijacking attacks: backward, forward, and overflow. For these programs, you can build them using either the baseline or Silhouette configuration and run them to examine their execution results with and without Silhouette's protections. Specifically:

  • backward demonstrates how a backward-edge control flow transfer (i.e., a function return) is hijacked to jump to the beginning of a function that does not appear in the regular control flow graph. In the baseline configuration, it corrupts a return address saved on the stack to point to a function which prints out a message indicating a successful attack. The same attack under the Silhouette configuration will no longer work, and you will see a message printed out to indicate a failure, which is part of the original benign control flow.
  • forward demonstrates how a forward-edge control flow transfer (i.e., an indirect function call) is hijacked to jump to the middle of a function. When built with the baseline configuration, it will jump to code that prints out a message indicating a successful attack. When it is built with the Silhouette configuration, you will find that Silhouette's CFI instrumentation detects a forward-edge corruption and clears all bits in the corrupted function pointer; jumping to the address 0 then triggers a UsageFault exception, whose handler will print out a message indicating a failed attack.
  • overflow demonstrates that a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability may write past the stack region and overwrite other memory regions. In the Silhouette configuration, it will try to corrupt the shadow stack region, which is placed next to the stack region, and it will be captured as the shadow stack is protected from writes initiated by unprivileged stores.

In addition, the test program suite also contains a benign program called ditto, which, in an infinite loop, reads a string from the standard input and prints it out to the standard output. We include this program to demonstrate a Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) attack, in which an attacker hijacks the control flow by corrupting a return address on the stack and executing a chain of reusable code gadgets. To do so,

  1. We first implant a buffer overflow vulnerability at projects/tests/src/ditto/main.c:57 by changing sizeof(buf) to a larger value (e.g., 1024).
  2. With the now vulnerable program running (without Silhouette), we can type an input string longer than the original sizeof(buf) to overwrite the stack.
  3. We provide a pre-crafted attack payload in projects/tests/src/ditto/payload.txt, the binary format of which can be fed to the program to print out a "hello world"-styled message in a ROP manner. The binary format can be obtained by xxd -r projects/tests/src/ditto/payload.txt.

Similar to that of backward, such a ROP attack under the Silhouette configuration will not work, and ditto's original control flow will be executed despite the implanted vulnerability.

How to Extend

Internally, invokes scons to build programs and invokes qemu-system-arm to run programs. Each benchmark/program suite in the projects directory is pre-configured to be built using SCons. If you want to add new programs, you can see how existing programs are configured in there. Specifically:

  • projects/<BENCH>/SConstruct is the entry point of SCons and defines the build environment (such as CFLAGS and LDFLAGS) of each configuration, when building programs in BENCH.
  • projects/<BENCH>/src/programs.scons defines program-specific settings and will be loaded by the above SConstruct script.
  • If you want to debug or run a newly added program via, simply add the program name to the benchmarks dictionary in the script.

The biggest constraint for supporting larger programs (such as CoreMark-Pro) is the limited memory on the LM3S6965EVB board. The board only has 256 KB of flash memory and 64 KB of SRAM. You can find how we lay out memory regions in the linker scripts, LinkerScript-baseline.ld and LinkerScript-silhouette.ld, of each benchmark/program suite. In particular, we place the shadow stack above the regular stack with a constant offset 0x2000 (0x1ffc for shadow stack instrumentations), which limits the stack size to 8 KB. If your program to add consumes more memory than available, it will not work as expected. However, one could switch to a larger stack (and shadow stack) size as follows:

  • Increase the _StackSize variable in LinkerScript-baseline.ld and LinkerScript-silhouette.ld to a larger value; depending on the _StackSize value, the value of the _HeapSize variable might have to decrease in order to fit in the SRAM.
  • Change occurrences of -DSILHOUETTE_SS_OFFSET=0x1ffc and -mllvm -arm-silhouette-shadowstack-offset=0x1ffc in both build/ and build/ accordingly, and then rebuild Newlib and compiler-rt.
  • Change occurrences of SILHOUETTE_SS_OFFSET=0x1ffc and -Wl,-mllvm,-arm-silhouette-shadowstack-offset=0x1ffc in the corresponding SConstruct script accordingly, and then (re)build the program(s).


Try out Silhouette without an ARM board!







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