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Charles Graham edited this page May 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

CWMS-Data-Api Docker Compose environment.

Moved here via PR #649

Due to the nature of the needs of this system it is not possible to just up and run docker-compose up, some manual setup will be required.

Here are the following pre-steps

  1. Add <real host ip> cwms-data.test auth.test traefik.test to the /etc/hosts file (Warning: doesn't work!)
  2. Install java. It is needed for the keytool command used in the next step.
  3. In the compose_files/pki directory run ./ This will create the initial PKI infrastructure
  4. Create an environment file with appropriate references for your environment and testing.

Starting the system

run docker-compose --env-file <env file> up -d --force-recreate

on newer docker you may need to use 'docker compose' (without the dash -).

docker compose --env-file ../cda.env up --force-recreate

The first time this is run it will take ~40 minutes while Oracle Initializes and the schema is installed. Subsequent runs will be faster. The force recreate is required as we are dumping our local rootca into the java keystore of the data-api image so the query to keycloak can be verified correctly.

What is provided.

  1. A CWMS Oracle Database
  2. An instance of the CWMS Data API
  3. An instance of keycloak that can be used to login. (The swagger-ui will allow entering a username and password and set the appropriate variables.)

The following users and permissions are available:

User Password Office Permissions
l2hectest.1234567890 l2hectest SPK General User
l1hectest l1hectest SPL No permissions
m5hectest m5hectest SWT General User

Inventory of services

service host-port container-port description test urls
traefik 8444 8443 entry point - web traffic https://cwms-data.test:8444/cwms-data/ https://auth.test:8444/auth/realms/cwms https://auth.test:8444/auth/realms/cwms/.well-known/openid-configuration
db 1521 oracle database
api 7000 tomcat CWMS Data API
auth 8080 authentication-token service (keycloak)
db_install connects to db and installs CWMS schema
db_webuser_ permissions connects to db and sets permissions