PHP TEMPLATE ANALYSIS, It can quickly compile the original template and generate HTML display pages.
Use Composer to install the library. Of course, You can go to Packagist to view.
$ composer require yakeing/php_template
- example
//Template path
$tpl = new template("/home/www/mould/");
$tpl->assign("title","I was the title");
//The transfer of files at the same time output
- example
{if $array}...{elseif $array[0]!=null}...{else}...{/if}
- example
{foreach $array as $key => $value}...{$key} => {$value}...{/foreach}
- example
{$i = 1}...{while $i < $j}...{$i}...{$i++}...{/while}
- example
{for ($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++)}...{$array[$i]}...{/for}
- example
{switch $str} ..{case 1}...{break}...{default}...{/switch}
- example
{$i = 1} OR {$t=2}
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weibo: yakeing
twitter: yakeing