This is the code repo for ICAPS-24 paper: "Map Connectivity and Empirical Hardness of Grid-based Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem"
The following figure shows the detailed map information for Experiment 1 in the paper. dataset/ICAPS-24
You can find the QD map generator in qd-generator/
is a sample script to calculate the
More updates will come very soon including several MAPF map generators and a well documented code base.
Please cite the following paper if you find the results in this paper is helpful:
[1.] Ren, J., Ewing, E., Kumar, T. S., Koenig, S., & Ayanian, N. (2024). Map Connectivity and Empirical Hardness of Grid-based Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem. In 34th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling.