Game Analytics Exporter
Built using Visual Studio 2019
This project generates heatmaps based on ElasticSearch database and Amazon Web Services. The parser searches for data entries with the next fields
- event_id : Can be either "world" or "screen"
- x : x position
- y : y position
- z : z position
Create a Folder with the next Dependency projects
Create libraries for the needed version you are using (Debug/Release or x64/x86)
After that, create an Environment Variable called DEVLIBS
dlls are needed for the executable to run
Add the .dll files in the same folder as the executable.
The GAP Heatmap generator depends on a json file called
This file is loaded constantly in the parser, loading configuration settings which will define how the parser behaves
Type: String
Database defines the database to use. This is not being used right now, but was designed so when changing databases, it could be easily implemented a new database with inheritance.
By default, the database
Type: String
This is the bucket where the Parser will get the information from
Type: String
The database to get information from. In ES, this is called type.
Type: Int
How many times it will traverse all the queries
Type: Int
How many information per query will store. In Elastic search the max is 1000
Type: Int
This is not implemented, but intended so you can sort things with a max time
Type: String
The bucket to store the images generated. This is a bucket from AWS
"bucket": "release.oset"
Type: String
The folder inside the bucket to store the images.
"folder": "content"
Type: String
The region that aws asks for your account. By default is us-west-1
"region": "us-west-1"
Type: Int
The max size of the texture in width the image generated will have
"texturewidth": 1024
Type: Int
The max size the texture in height will have
"textureheight": 768
Type: Float
Heatmap decay
"momentum": 0.8
Type: Float
"decay": 0.035
Type: Float Array
"hottest": [255,71,71,0.75]
Type: Float Array
"hot": [255,0,169,0.5]
Type: Float Array
"cold": [60,88,191,0.75]
Type: Float Array
"coldest": [121,255,223,0.5]
Type: Float Array
"minpoint": [-10610,-10080,-130]
Type: Float Array
"maxpoint": [9800,16880,1850]