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Timeline-oriented academic website design.

The work of scientific and academic laboratories builts on innovation, and reputation. Two critical aspects of the work of a modern scinetific labroaotry are often times underestimated:

  • The ability to generate important scientific products (discoveries, reagents, software, or artifacts)
  • The success in training the next generation of scientists (students and postdocs).

Both scientific and training contributions for a scientific laboratory are critical to establish the standing of the lab, understand the climate of the lab and gauge the potential success for trainees and future opportunities for research and collaboration. Because of this, demonstrating the scientific work over time, the impact on training are generally used as key aspects of the evaluation process of the scientific laboratory. Contribution to science and training over the lifespan of a labroatory can be formalized as timelines.

This website template takes the concept of timeline and proposes an open-science approach to demonstrating the contributions. The first version of the template proposes organziing the work of scientists into three primary timelines:

  • The RESEARCH axis. projects are conceptualized as timeline of projects and grants over time.
  • The TEAM axis. is conceptualized as a composition of the current team and a timeline of Lab Alumni with their first job after leaving the lab
  • The PUBLICATIONS axis. are also organized into a timeline (this is commonly done by other templates).

The template is built using Hugo.

Dheeraj Bhatia and Franco Pestilli

The University of Texas at Austin


  • Customisable Home Page with sliders, infobox and featurettes

  • Create slides using markdown

  • Create featurette using markdown

  • Show research papers using PubMed Api

  • Show funding using NIH

  • Auto Update research papers and funding

  • Create and Update Team members using ORCID and Markdown

  • Add Team members using Linkedin Authentication

Create slides using markdown

To edit and show more slides

create a new file in content/home

hugo new home/

Specify the following parameters


    title: Example Slide
    align : text-left
    image : img/man-kid.jpg
    tags : ['slider']


Create InfoBox using mardown

Create a new file in content/home

hugo new home/

Specify the following parameters

title: TEAM
description : Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. 
image : img/group.svg
url : '/team'
tags : ['infobox']

Creating Banner or Jumbotron for Pages

hugo new pagename/

Specify the following parameters:

title: Example Slide
image : /img/image_path.jpg
tags : ['banner']

Create feature using markdown

To edit and show more feature blocks on home page

create a new file in content/home

hugo new home/

Specify the following parameters


title: Your Title

subtitle : your subtitle
image : path of the image (Ex img/500_500.svg)

tags : ['feature']

Content or Description here

Configure PubMed Api and NSF data

Edit the file

nih_link = 'put your pubmed rss url'
nsf_data_link = '"your keywords"&printFields=startDate,expDate,id,title,awardee,agency,awardeeName,piFirstName,piLastName,coPDPI'

Save and close the file

Run the file using python

python3 /plab/plab.hugo/

By default the update time is set 10 seconds to change or set the interval update the value in seconds

sch = scheduler()

sch.add_job(myfn, 'interval', seconds=10)


Updating Team using ORCID

Open the team.json file


Add a json entry Example :

"Franco Pestilli" : {

    "type" : "active",
    "image": "",
    "id": "0000-0002-2469-0494",
    "summary": "A small description",
    "externals" : {
	    "twitter" : "url",
	    "facebook" : "url",
	    "scholar" : "url",
	    "github" : "url"


Save and then run the file

python3 /plab/plab.hugo/

Updating Team using Hugo

hugo new team/

Open the file and provide the following entries


name : User Name

image : image path [Example : /img/user.png]

position : Example Text

facebook : url

scholar : url

linkedin : url

twitter : url

github : url

weight: 100

tags : ['active']



This website is for the PsyBrain Lab at the University of Texas at Austin.






No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 87.3%
  • HTML 10.3%
  • CSS 1.7%
  • Python 0.7%